

Django は、システムを通じてステータスを渡すために、リクエストとレスポンスのオブジェクトを使います。

あるページがリクエストされたとき、Django はリクエストに関するメタデータを含んだ HttpRequest オブジェクトを生成します。それから Django は HttpRequest をビュー関数の最初の関数として渡し、適切なビューを読み込みます。あらゆるビューは HttpResponse オブジェクトを返す必要があります。

このドキュメントでは、HttpRequestHttpResponse オブジェクトの API を説明しています。これは django.http モジュールにて定義されています。

HttpRequest オブジェクト

class HttpRequest




リクエストのスキームを表す文字列です (通常は httphttps)。


The raw HTTP request body as a bytestring. This is useful for processing data in different ways than conventional HTML forms: binary images, XML payload etc. For processing conventional form data, use HttpRequest.POST.

You can also read from an HttpRequest using a file-like interface with HttpRequest.read() or HttpRequest.readline(). Accessing the body attribute after reading the request with either of these I/O stream methods will produce a RawPostDataException.


A string representing the full path to the requested page, not including the scheme, domain, or query string.

例: "/music/bands/the_beatles/"


Under some web server configurations, the portion of the URL after the host name is split up into a script prefix portion and a path info portion. The path_info attribute always contains the path info portion of the path, no matter what web server is being used. Using this instead of path can make your code easier to move between test and deployment servers.

たとえば、アプリケーションの WSGIScriptAlias"/minfo" に設定されている場合、path"/minfo/music/bands/the_beatles/" である一方、path_info"/music/bands/the_beatles/" となる可能性があります。


リクエストで使用された HTTP メソッドを表す文字列です。この値は常に大文字となることが保証されています。たとえば、次のようになります。

if request.method == 'GET':
elif request.method == 'POST':

A string representing the current encoding used to decode form submission data (or None, which means the DEFAULT_CHARSET setting is used). You can write to this attribute to change the encoding used when accessing the form data. Any subsequent attribute accesses (such as reading from GET or POST) will use the new encoding value. Useful if you know the form data is not in the DEFAULT_CHARSET encoding.


リクエストの MIME タイプを表す文字列です。CONTENT_TYPE から識別されます。


CONTENT_TYPE ヘッダに含まれる、キーと値のパラーメータのディクショナリです。


渡された HTTP GET パラメータを含む、ディクショナリライクのオブジェクトです。後述の QueryDict のドキュメントを参照してください。


A dictionary-like object containing all given HTTP POST parameters, providing that the request contains form data. See the QueryDict documentation below. If you need to access raw or non-form data posted in the request, access this through the HttpRequest.body attribute instead.

It's possible that a request can come in via POST with an empty POST dictionary -- if, say, a form is requested via the POST HTTP method but does not include form data. Therefore, you shouldn't use if request.POST to check for use of the POST method; instead, use if request.method == "POST" (see HttpRequest.method).

POST には file-upload の情報が含まれ ません 。詳しくは FILES をご覧ください。




A dictionary-like object containing all uploaded files. Each key in FILES is the name from the <input type="file" name="">. Each value in FILES is an UploadedFile.

See ファイルの管理 for more information.

FILES will only contain data if the request method was POST and the <form> that posted to the request had enctype="multipart/form-data". Otherwise, FILES will be a blank dictionary-like object.


利用できるすべての HTTP ヘッダーが格納されたディクショナリです。利用可能なヘッダーはクライアントとサーバーによって異なりますが、以下に例を示します。

  • CONTENT_LENGTH -- リクエスト本文の (文字列としての) 長さです。
  • CONTENT_TYPE -- リクエスト本文の MIME タイプです。
  • HTTP_ACCEPT -- レスポンスに対して受け入れ可能なコンテンツのタイプです。
  • HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING -- レスポンスに対して受け入れ可能なエンコーディングです。
  • HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE -- レスポンスに対して受け入れ可能な言語です。
  • HTTP_HOST -- クライアントによって送信された HTTP Host ヘッダです。
  • HTTP_REFERER -- (存在する場合) リファラページです。
  • HTTP_USER_AGENT -- クライアントのユーザエージェント文字列です。
  • QUERY_STRING -- クエリ文字列で、単一の (未解析の) 文字列です。
  • REMOTE_ADDR -- クライアントの IP アドレスです。
  • REMOTE_HOST -- クライアントのホスト名です。
  • REMOTE_USER -- The user authenticated by the web server, if any.
  • REQUEST_METHOD -- "GET""POST" といったです。
  • SERVER_NAME -- サーバのホスト名です。
  • SERVER_PORT -- (文字列としての) サーバのポートです。

With the exception of CONTENT_LENGTH and CONTENT_TYPE, as given above, any HTTP headers in the request are converted to META keys by converting all characters to uppercase, replacing any hyphens with underscores and adding an HTTP_ prefix to the name. So, for example, a header called X-Bender would be mapped to the META key HTTP_X_BENDER.

Note that runserver strips all headers with underscores in the name, so you won't see them in META. This prevents header-spoofing based on ambiguity between underscores and dashes both being normalizing to underscores in WSGI environment variables. It matches the behavior of web servers like Nginx and Apache 2.4+.

HttpRequest.headers is a simpler way to access all HTTP-prefixed headers, plus CONTENT_LENGTH and CONTENT_TYPE.


A case insensitive, dict-like object that provides access to all HTTP-prefixed headers (plus Content-Length and Content-Type) from the request.

The name of each header is stylized with title-casing (e.g. User-Agent) when it's displayed. You can access headers case-insensitively:

>>> request.headers
{'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_6', ...}

>>> 'User-Agent' in request.headers
>>> 'user-agent' in request.headers

>>> request.headers['User-Agent']
Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_6)
>>> request.headers['user-agent']
Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_6)

>>> request.headers.get('User-Agent')
Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_6)
>>> request.headers.get('user-agent')
Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_6)

For use in, for example, Django templates, headers can also be looked up using underscores in place of hyphens:

{{ request.headers.user_agent }}

An instance of ResolverMatch representing the resolved URL. This attribute is only set after URL resolving took place, which means it's available in all views but not in middleware which are executed before URL resolving takes place (you can use it in process_view() though).


Django はこれらの属性を自分で設定することはありませんが、アプリケーション側で設定された場合にはその値を利用します。


url テンプレートタグは、その値を reverse()current_app 引数に使います。


この値は、現在のリクエストに対する root URLconf として使用され、設定の ROOT_URLCONF を上書きします。詳しくは Django のリクエスト処理 をご覧ください。

urlconfNone に設定することで、それまでにミドルウェアで行われた変更を取り消し、元の ROOT_URLCONF を使用するようにできます。


This will be used instead of DEFAULT_EXCEPTION_REPORTER_FILTER for the current request. See Custom error reports for details.


This will be used instead of DEFAULT_EXCEPTION_REPORTER for the current request. See Custom error reports for details.


Django の contrib アプリなどのミドルウェアの一部は、リクエストに属性を設定します。もし、リクエストに属性が設定されていない場合は、MIDDLEWARE リスト中に適切なミドルウェアが含まれているかを確認してください。


SessionMiddleware は、現在のセッションを表す、読み書き可能でディクショナリライクなオブジェクトを設定します。


CurrentSiteMiddleware は、現在のサイトを表す Site または RequestSite のインスタンスを、get_current_site() の返り値で設定します。


From the AuthenticationMiddleware: An instance of AUTH_USER_MODEL representing the currently logged-in user. If the user isn't currently logged in, user will be set to an instance of AnonymousUser. You can tell them apart with is_authenticated, like so:

if request.user.is_authenticated:
    ... # Do something for logged-in users.
    ... # Do something for anonymous users.



Returns the originating host of the request using information from the HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST (if USE_X_FORWARDED_HOST is enabled) and HTTP_HOST headers, in that order. If they don't provide a value, the method uses a combination of SERVER_NAME and SERVER_PORT as detailed in PEP 3333.

Example: ""

Raises django.core.exceptions.DisallowedHost if the host is not in ALLOWED_HOSTS or the domain name is invalid according to RFC 1034/1035.


The get_host() method fails when the host is behind multiple proxies. One solution is to use middleware to rewrite the proxy headers, as in the following example:

class MultipleProxyMiddleware:

    def __init__(self, get_response):
        self.get_response = get_response

    def __call__(self, request):
        Rewrites the proxy headers so that only the most
        recent proxy is used.
        for field in self.FORWARDED_FOR_FIELDS:
            if field in request.META:
                if ',' in request.META[field]:
                    parts = request.META[field].split(',')
                    request.META[field] = parts[-1].strip()
        return self.get_response(request)

This middleware should be positioned before any other middleware that relies on the value of get_host() -- for instance, CommonMiddleware or CsrfViewMiddleware.


Returns the originating port of the request using information from the HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PORT (if USE_X_FORWARDED_PORT is enabled) and SERVER_PORT META variables, in that order.


Returns the path, plus an appended query string, if applicable.

Example: "/music/bands/the_beatles/?print=true"


Like get_full_path(), but uses path_info instead of path.

Example: "/minfo/music/bands/the_beatles/?print=true"


Returns the absolute URI form of location. If no location is provided, the location will be set to request.get_full_path().

If the location is already an absolute URI, it will not be altered. Otherwise the absolute URI is built using the server variables available in this request. For example:

>>> request.build_absolute_uri()
>>> request.build_absolute_uri('/bands/')
>>> request.build_absolute_uri('https://example2.com/bands/')


Mixing HTTP and HTTPS on the same site is discouraged, therefore build_absolute_uri() will always generate an absolute URI with the same scheme the current request has. If you need to redirect users to HTTPS, it's best to let your web server redirect all HTTP traffic to HTTPS.

Returns a cookie value for a signed cookie, or raises a django.core.signing.BadSignature exception if the signature is no longer valid. If you provide the default argument the exception will be suppressed and that default value will be returned instead.

The optional salt argument can be used to provide extra protection against brute force attacks on your secret key. If supplied, the max_age argument will be checked against the signed timestamp attached to the cookie value to ensure the cookie is not older than max_age seconds.


>>> request.get_signed_cookie('name')
>>> request.get_signed_cookie('name', salt='name-salt')
'Tony' # assuming cookie was set using the same salt
>>> request.get_signed_cookie('nonexistent-cookie')
KeyError: 'nonexistent-cookie'
>>> request.get_signed_cookie('nonexistent-cookie', False)
>>> request.get_signed_cookie('cookie-that-was-tampered-with')
BadSignature: ...
>>> request.get_signed_cookie('name', max_age=60)
SignatureExpired: Signature age 1677.3839159 > 60 seconds
>>> request.get_signed_cookie('name', False, max_age=60)

See cryptographic signing for more information.


Returns True if the request is secure; that is, if it was made with HTTPS.


Returns True if the request Accept header matches the mime_type argument:

>>> request.accepts('text/html')

Most browsers send Accept: */* by default, so this would return True for all content types. Setting an explicit Accept header in API requests can be useful for returning a different content type for those consumers only. See Content negotiation example of using accepts() to return different content to API consumers.

If a response varies depending on the content of the Accept header and you are using some form of caching like Django's cache middleware, you should decorate the view with vary_on_headers('Accept') so that the responses are properly cached.


Methods implementing a file-like interface for reading from an HttpRequest instance. This makes it possible to consume an incoming request in a streaming fashion. A common use-case would be to process a big XML payload with an iterative parser without constructing a whole XML tree in memory.

Given this standard interface, an HttpRequest instance can be passed directly to an XML parser such as ElementTree:

import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
for element in ET.iterparse(request):

QueryDict オブジェクト

class QueryDict

HttpRequest オブジェクト内では、GETPOST 属性は django.http.QueryDict のインスタンスです。これは、同一のキーに対する複数の値を扱うためにカスタマイズされた、辞書型に似たクラスです。これが必要なのは、いくつかの HTML (特に <select multiple>) が同一キーで複数の値を渡すからです。

request.POSTrequest.GETQueryDictは、通常の request/response 内でアクセスするときには編集不可です。編集可能なものを取得するには、QueryDict.copy() を使う必要があります。


QueryDict はディクショナリのサブクラスなので、標準的なディクショナリのメソッドを全て実装しています。当てはまらないのはおおむね以下の通りです:

QueryDict.__init__(query_string=None, mutable=False, encoding=None)

QueryDictに基づいて QueryDict オブジェクトをインスタンス化します。

>>> QueryDict('a=1&a=2&c=3')
<QueryDict: {'a': ['1', '2'], 'c': ['3']}>

query_string が渡されなかった場合は、QueryDict 空となります (何のキーや値も持ちません)。

使用する QueryDict のほとんど、特に request.POSTrequest.GET における場合、編集不可となっています。自分でインスタンスを生成する場合は、__init__()mutable=True を渡すことで編集可能にできます。

キーとバリューの両方を設定するための文字列は、encoding から str に変換されます。encoding がセットされていない場合、DEFAULT_CHARSET がデフォルトとなります。

classmethod QueryDict.fromkeys(iterable, value='', mutable=False, encoding=None)

イテラブルと value と一致する各値から、新しい QueryDict を作成します。例えば:

>>> QueryDict.fromkeys(['a', 'a', 'b'], value='val')
<QueryDict: {'a': ['val', 'val'], 'b': ['val']}>

指定したキーに対する値を返します。キーが複数の値を持つ場合、最後の値を返します。キーが存在しない場合は django.utils.datastructures.MultiValueDictKeyError を発生させます (これは Python の標準的な KeyError サブクラスなので、KeyError をキャッチすることに固執できます)。

QueryDict.__setitem__(key, value)

指定したキーを [value] (各要素が value のリスト) にセットします。 副作用を持つ他のディクショナリ関数と同様に、編集可能な QueryDict (QueryDict.copy() で作成されたものなど) のみで呼び出し可能です.


指定したキーがセットされている場合 True を返します。例えば if "foo" in request.GET を実行するのと同じです。

QueryDict.get(key, default=None)

__getitem__() と同じロジックを使いますが、キーが存在しない場合のデフォルト値をフックします。

QueryDict.setdefault(key, default=None)

Like dict.setdefault(), except it uses __setitem__() internally.


QueryDict かディクショナリを取ります。dict.update() と同様に、現在の値を置き換えるのではなく、現在の値に 追加 します。例えば:

>>> q = QueryDict('a=1', mutable=True)
>>> q.update({'a': '2'})
>>> q.getlist('a')
['1', '2']
>>> q['a'] # returns the last

Like dict.items(), except this uses the same last-value logic as __getitem__() and returns an iterator object instead of a view object. For example:

>>> q = QueryDict('a=1&a=2&a=3')
>>> list(q.items())
[('a', '3')]

Like dict.values(), except this uses the same last-value logic as __getitem__() and returns an iterator instead of a view object. For example:

>>> q = QueryDict('a=1&a=2&a=3')
>>> list(q.values())

加えて、QueryDict は以下のメソッドを持ちます:


Returns a copy of the object using copy.deepcopy(). This copy will be mutable even if the original was not.

QueryDict.getlist(key, default=None)

Returns a list of the data with the requested key. Returns an empty list if the key doesn't exist and default is None. It's guaranteed to return a list unless the default value provided isn't a list.

QueryDict.setlist(key, list_)

Sets the given key to list_ (unlike __setitem__()).

QueryDict.appendlist(key, item)

Appends an item to the internal list associated with key.

QueryDict.setlistdefault(key, default_list=None)

Like setdefault(), except it takes a list of values instead of a single value.


Like items(), except it includes all values, as a list, for each member of the dictionary. For example:

>>> q = QueryDict('a=1&a=2&a=3')
>>> q.lists()
[('a', ['1', '2', '3'])]

Returns a list of values for the given key and removes them from the dictionary. Raises KeyError if the key does not exist. For example:

>>> q = QueryDict('a=1&a=2&a=3', mutable=True)
>>> q.pop('a')
['1', '2', '3']

Removes an arbitrary member of the dictionary (since there's no concept of ordering), and returns a two value tuple containing the key and a list of all values for the key. Raises KeyError when called on an empty dictionary. For example:

>>> q = QueryDict('a=1&a=2&a=3', mutable=True)
>>> q.popitem()
('a', ['1', '2', '3'])

Returns a dict representation of QueryDict. For every (key, list) pair in QueryDict, dict will have (key, item), where item is one element of the list, using the same logic as QueryDict.__getitem__():

>>> q = QueryDict('a=1&a=3&a=5')
>>> q.dict()
{'a': '5'}

Returns a string of the data in query string format. For example:

>>> q = QueryDict('a=2&b=3&b=5')
>>> q.urlencode()

Use the safe parameter to pass characters which don't require encoding. For example:

>>> q = QueryDict(mutable=True)
>>> q['next'] = '/a&b/'
>>> q.urlencode(safe='/')

HttpResponse オブジェクト

class HttpResponse

In contrast to HttpRequest objects, which are created automatically by Django, HttpResponse objects are your responsibility. Each view you write is responsible for instantiating, populating, and returning an HttpResponse.

HttpResponse クラスは django.http モジュール内に存在します。



Typical usage is to pass the contents of the page, as a string, bytestring, or memoryview, to the HttpResponse constructor:

>>> from django.http import HttpResponse
>>> response = HttpResponse("Here's the text of the web page.")
>>> response = HttpResponse("Text only, please.", content_type="text/plain")
>>> response = HttpResponse(b'Bytestrings are also accepted.')
>>> response = HttpResponse(memoryview(b'Memoryview as well.'))

内容を段階的に追加したい場合は、response をファイルライクなオブジェクトとして使うことができます:

>>> response = HttpResponse()
>>> response.write("<p>Here's the text of the web page.</p>")
>>> response.write("<p>Here's another paragraph.</p>")


最後に、HttpResponse に文字列ではなくイテレータを引き渡すことができます。HttpResponse はイテレータをただちに消費し、その内容を文字列と保持してから破棄します。close() メソッドで、ファイルやジェネレータのようなオブジェクト即座に閉じられます。

レスポンスに対して、イテレータからクライアントにストリーミングさせる必要がある場合には、代わりに StreamingHttpResponse クラスを使う必要があります。


To set or remove a header field in your response, use HttpResponse.headers:

>>> response = HttpResponse()
>>> response.headers['Age'] = 120
>>> del response.headers['Age']

You can also manipulate headers by treating your response like a dictionary:

>>> response = HttpResponse()
>>> response['Age'] = 120
>>> del response['Age']

This proxies to HttpResponse.headers, and is the original interface offered by HttpResponse.

When using this interface, unlike a dictionary, del doesn't raise KeyError if the header field doesn't exist.

You can also set headers on instantiation:

>>> response = HttpResponse(headers={'Age': 120})

For setting the Cache-Control and Vary header fields, it is recommended to use the patch_cache_control() and patch_vary_headers() methods from django.utils.cache, since these fields can have multiple, comma-separated values. The "patch" methods ensure that other values, e.g. added by a middleware, are not removed.

HTTP header fields cannot contain newlines. An attempt to set a header field containing a newline character (CR or LF) will raise BadHeaderError

Changed in Django 3.2:

The HttpResponse.headers interface was added.

The ability to set headers on instantiation was added.

Telling the browser to treat the response as a file attachment

To tell the browser to treat the response as a file attachment, set the Content-Type and Content-Disposition headers. For example, this is how you might return a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet:

>>> response = HttpResponse(my_data, headers={
...     'Content-Type': 'application/vnd.ms-excel',
...     'Content-Disposition': 'attachment; filename="foo.xls"',
... })

There's nothing Django-specific about the Content-Disposition header, but it's easy to forget the syntax, so we've included it here.



A bytestring representing the content, encoded from a string if necessary.

New in Django 3.2.

A case insensitive, dict-like object that provides an interface to all HTTP headers on the response. See ヘッダーフィールドをセットする.


応答がエンコードされる文字セットを示す文字列です。 HttpResponse のインスタンス化の際に指定されなかった場合、 content_type から抽出され、もしこれが失敗した場合は、 DEFAULT_CHARSET 設定が使用されます。


レスポンスの HTTP status code です。

reason_phrase が明示的にセットされていない限り、コンストラクタの外で status_code の値を変更すると``reason_phrase`` の値も変更されます。


The HTTP reason phrase for the response. It uses the HTTP standard's default reason phrases.

Unless explicitly set, reason_phrase is determined by the value of status_code.


これは常に False です。



レスポンスが閉じられた場合、True となります。


HttpResponse.__init__(content=b'', content_type=None, status=200, reason=None, charset=None, headers=None)

Instantiates an HttpResponse object with the given page content, content type, and headers.

content is most commonly an iterator, bytestring, memoryview, or string. Other types will be converted to a bytestring by encoding their string representation. Iterators should return strings or bytestrings and those will be joined together to form the content of the response.

content_type is the MIME type optionally completed by a character set encoding and is used to fill the HTTP Content-Type header. If not specified, it is formed by 'text/html' and the DEFAULT_CHARSET settings, by default: "text/html; charset=utf-8".

status is the HTTP status code for the response. You can use Python's http.HTTPStatus for meaningful aliases, such as HTTPStatus.NO_CONTENT.

reason is the HTTP response phrase. If not provided, a default phrase will be used.

charset is the charset in which the response will be encoded. If not given it will be extracted from content_type, and if that is unsuccessful, the DEFAULT_CHARSET setting will be used.

headers is a dict of HTTP headers for the response.

Changed in Django 3.2:

The headers parameter was added.

HttpResponse.__setitem__(header, value)

Sets the given header name to the given value. Both header and value should be strings.


Deletes the header with the given name. Fails silently if the header doesn't exist. Case-insensitive.


Returns the value for the given header name. Case-insensitive.

HttpResponse.get(header, alternate=None)

Returns the value for the given header, or an alternate if the header doesn't exist.


Returns True or False based on a case-insensitive check for a header with the given name.


Acts like dict.items() for HTTP headers on the response.

HttpResponse.setdefault(header, value)

Sets a header unless it has already been set.

Sets a cookie. The parameters are the same as in the Morsel cookie object in the Python standard library.

  • max_age should be an integer number of seconds, or None (default) if the cookie should last only as long as the client's browser session. If expires is not specified, it will be calculated.

  • expires should either be a string in the format "Wdy, DD-Mon-YY HH:MM:SS GMT" or a datetime.datetime object in UTC. If expires is a datetime object, the max_age will be calculated.

  • Use domain if you want to set a cross-domain cookie. For example, domain="example.com" will set a cookie that is readable by the domains www.example.com, blog.example.com, etc. Otherwise, a cookie will only be readable by the domain that set it.

  • Use secure=True if you want the cookie to be only sent to the server when a request is made with the https scheme.

  • Use httponly=True if you want to prevent client-side JavaScript from having access to the cookie.

    HttpOnly is a flag included in a Set-Cookie HTTP response header. It's part of the RFC 6265 standard for cookies and can be a useful way to mitigate the risk of a client-side script accessing the protected cookie data.

  • Use samesite='Strict' or samesite='Lax' to tell the browser not to send this cookie when performing a cross-origin request. SameSite isn't supported by all browsers, so it's not a replacement for Django's CSRF protection, but rather a defense in depth measure.

    Use samesite='None' (string) to explicitly state that this cookie is sent with all same-site and cross-site requests.


RFC 6265 states that user agents should support cookies of at least 4096 bytes. For many browsers this is also the maximum size. Django will not raise an exception if there's an attempt to store a cookie of more than 4096 bytes, but many browsers will not set the cookie correctly.

Like set_cookie(), but cryptographic signing the cookie before setting it. Use in conjunction with HttpRequest.get_signed_cookie(). You can use the optional salt argument for added key strength, but you will need to remember to pass it to the corresponding HttpRequest.get_signed_cookie() call.

Deletes the cookie with the given key. Fails silently if the key doesn't exist.

Due to the way cookies work, path and domain should be the same values you used in set_cookie() -- otherwise the cookie may not be deleted.


This method is called at the end of the request directly by the WSGI server.


This method makes an HttpResponse instance a file-like object.


This method makes an HttpResponse instance a file-like object.


This method makes an HttpResponse instance a file-like object.


Returns the value of HttpResponse.content. This method makes an HttpResponse instance a stream-like object.


Always False. This method makes an HttpResponse instance a stream-like object.


Always False. This method makes an HttpResponse instance a stream-like object.


Always True. This method makes an HttpResponse instance a stream-like object.


Writes a list of lines to the response. Line separators are not added. This method makes an HttpResponse instance a stream-like object.

HttpResponse subclasses

Django includes a number of HttpResponse subclasses that handle different types of HTTP responses. Like HttpResponse, these subclasses live in django.http.

class HttpResponseRedirect

The first argument to the constructor is required -- the path to redirect to. This can be a fully qualified URL (e.g. 'https://www.yahoo.com/search/'), an absolute path with no domain (e.g. '/search/'), or even a relative path (e.g. 'search/'). In that last case, the client browser will reconstruct the full URL itself according to the current path. See HttpResponse for other optional constructor arguments. Note that this returns an HTTP status code 302.


This read-only attribute represents the URL the response will redirect to (equivalent to the Location response header).

class HttpResponsePermanentRedirect

Like HttpResponseRedirect, but it returns a permanent redirect (HTTP status code 301) instead of a "found" redirect (status code 302).

class HttpResponseNotModified

The constructor doesn't take any arguments and no content should be added to this response. Use this to designate that a page hasn't been modified since the user's last request (status code 304).

class HttpResponseBadRequest

Acts just like HttpResponse but uses a 400 status code.

class HttpResponseNotFound

Acts just like HttpResponse but uses a 404 status code.

class HttpResponseForbidden

Acts just like HttpResponse but uses a 403 status code.

class HttpResponseNotAllowed

Like HttpResponse, but uses a 405 status code. The first argument to the constructor is required: a list of permitted methods (e.g. ['GET', 'POST']).

class HttpResponseGone

Acts just like HttpResponse but uses a 410 status code.

class HttpResponseServerError

Acts just like HttpResponse but uses a 500 status code.


If a custom subclass of HttpResponse implements a render method, Django will treat it as emulating a SimpleTemplateResponse, and the render method must itself return a valid response object.

Custom response classes

If you find yourself needing a response class that Django doesn't provide, you can create it with the help of http.HTTPStatus. For example:

from http import HTTPStatus
from django.http import HttpResponse

class HttpResponseNoContent(HttpResponse):
    status_code = HTTPStatus.NO_CONTENT

JsonResponse objects

class JsonResponse(data, encoder=DjangoJSONEncoder, safe=True, json_dumps_params=None, **kwargs)

An HttpResponse subclass that helps to create a JSON-encoded response. It inherits most behavior from its superclass with a couple differences:

Its default Content-Type header is set to application/json.

The first parameter, data, should be a dict instance. If the safe parameter is set to False (see below) it can be any JSON-serializable object.

The encoder, which defaults to django.core.serializers.json.DjangoJSONEncoder, will be used to serialize the data. See JSON serialization for more details about this serializer.

The safe boolean parameter defaults to True. If it's set to False, any object can be passed for serialization (otherwise only dict instances are allowed). If safe is True and a non-dict object is passed as the first argument, a TypeError will be raised.

The json_dumps_params parameter is a dictionary of keyword arguments to pass to the json.dumps() call used to generate the response.


Typical usage could look like:

>>> from django.http import JsonResponse
>>> response = JsonResponse({'foo': 'bar'})
>>> response.content
b'{"foo": "bar"}'

Serializing non-dictionary objects

In order to serialize objects other than dict you must set the safe parameter to False:

>>> response = JsonResponse([1, 2, 3], safe=False)

Without passing safe=False, a TypeError will be raised.

Note that an API based on dict objects is more extensible, flexible, and makes it easier to maintain forwards compatibility. Therefore, you should avoid using non-dict objects in JSON-encoded response.


Before the 5th edition of ECMAScript it was possible to poison the JavaScript Array constructor. For this reason, Django does not allow passing non-dict objects to the JsonResponse constructor by default. However, most modern browsers implement ECMAScript 5 which removes this attack vector. Therefore it is possible to disable this security precaution.

Changing the default JSON encoder

If you need to use a different JSON encoder class you can pass the encoder parameter to the constructor method:

>>> response = JsonResponse(data, encoder=MyJSONEncoder)

StreamingHttpResponse objects

class StreamingHttpResponse

The StreamingHttpResponse class is used to stream a response from Django to the browser. You might want to do this if generating the response takes too long or uses too much memory. For instance, it's useful for generating large CSV files.

Performance considerations

Django is designed for short-lived requests. Streaming responses will tie a worker process for the entire duration of the response. This may result in poor performance.

Generally speaking, you should perform expensive tasks outside of the request-response cycle, rather than resorting to a streamed response.

The StreamingHttpResponse is not a subclass of HttpResponse, because it features a slightly different API. However, it is almost identical, with the following notable differences:

  • It should be given an iterator that yields bytestrings as content.
  • You cannot access its content, except by iterating the response object itself. This should only occur when the response is returned to the client.
  • It has no content attribute. Instead, it has a streaming_content attribute.
  • You cannot use the file-like object tell() or write() methods. Doing so will raise an exception.

StreamingHttpResponse should only be used in situations where it is absolutely required that the whole content isn't iterated before transferring the data to the client. Because the content can't be accessed, many middleware can't function normally. For example the ETag and Content-Length headers can't be generated for streaming responses.



An iterator of the response content, bytestring encoded according to HttpResponse.charset.


レスポンスの HTTP status code です。

reason_phrase が明示的にセットされていない限り、コンストラクタの外で status_code の値を変更すると``reason_phrase`` の値も変更されます。


The HTTP reason phrase for the response. It uses the HTTP standard's default reason phrases.

Unless explicitly set, reason_phrase is determined by the value of status_code.


This is always True.

FileResponse objects

class FileResponse(open_file, as_attachment=False, filename='', **kwargs)

FileResponse is a subclass of StreamingHttpResponse optimized for binary files. It uses wsgi.file_wrapper if provided by the wsgi server, otherwise it streams the file out in small chunks.

If as_attachment=True, the Content-Disposition header is set to attachment, which asks the browser to offer the file to the user as a download. Otherwise, a Content-Disposition header with a value of inline (the browser default) will be set only if a filename is available.

If open_file doesn't have a name or if the name of open_file isn't appropriate, provide a custom file name using the filename parameter. Note that if you pass a file-like object like io.BytesIO, it's your task to seek() it before passing it to FileResponse.

The Content-Length and Content-Type headers are automatically set when they can be guessed from contents of open_file.

FileResponse accepts any file-like object with binary content, for example a file open in binary mode like so:

>>> from django.http import FileResponse
>>> response = FileResponse(open('myfile.png', 'rb'))

The file will be closed automatically, so don't open it with a context manager.



This method is automatically called during the response initialization and set various headers (Content-Length, Content-Type, and Content-Disposition) depending on open_file.