




DEBUG = False


もし DEBUGFalse にした場合、 ALLOWED_HOSTS も設定する必要があります。


  • Pythonの構文エラーになってはいけません。

  • 通常の Pythonの構文を使って、動的に値を設定する事ができます。例えば:

    MY_SETTING = [str(i) for i in range(30)]
  • 他の設定ファイルから値を import できます。



When you use Django, you have to tell it which settings you're using. Do this by using an environment variable, DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE.

The value of DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE should be in Python path syntax, e.g. mysite.settings. Note that the settings module should be on the Python import search path.

django-admin ユーティリティ

django-admin を使う場合、環境変数を予め指定しておくか、ユーティリティを起動する度に設定モジュールを明示的に渡します。

例 (Unix Bash シェル):

export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=mysite.settings
django-admin runserver

例(Windows コマンドプロンプト):

set DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=mysite.settings
django-admin runserver

コマンドライン引数で設定モジュールを指定するには、 --settings を使用します:

django-admin runserver --settings=mysite.settings

サーバ (mod_wsgi) の設定

実際のサーバ環境では、 WSGI アプリケーションにどの設定ファイルを使うのか教えてあげる必要があります。これには os.environ:: を使います。

import os

os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = 'mysite.settings'

さらなる情報や他のDjango WSGI アプリケーションでの共通の設定は Django mod_wsgi ドキュメント を参照してください。


Django の設定ファイルでは、特に必要のない限り設定をおこなう必要はありません。 各々の設定には注意深く決められたデフォルト値が入っています。デフォルト値は django/conf/ に記述されています。

Django が設定をコンパイルする際には、以下のようなアルゴリズムを使います:

  • から設定を読みだす。
  • 指定された設定ファイルから設定を読み込み、グローバルな設定を必要に応じて上書きします。

設定ファイルから global_settings を読み込むのは冗長なのでやらないでください。


The command python diffsettings displays differences between the current settings file and Django's default settings.

詳しくは diffsettings のドキュメントを参照してください。


自作のDjangoアプリケーションからは django.conf.settings をimportすることで設定を参照できます。例:

from django.conf import settings

if settings.DEBUG:
    # Do something

django.conf.settings はモジュールではなく、ただのオブジェクトです。そのため個々の設定は別々にimportできません。

from django.conf.settings import DEBUG  # This won't work.

また global_settings や自作の設定ファイルをimportしてはいけません。 django.conf.settings はデフォルト設定とサイト固有の設定を抽象化し、単一のインタフェースを提供しています。また設定を使うコードと設定ファイルの場所を分離しています。



from django.conf import settings

settings.DEBUG = True   # Don't do this!



Because a settings file contains sensitive information, such as the database password, you should make every attempt to limit access to it. For example, change its file permissions so that only you and your web server's user can read it. This is especially important in a shared-hosting environment.


利用可能な設定は settings リファレンス を参照してください。


There's nothing stopping you from creating your own settings, for your own Django apps, but follow these guidelines:

  • Setting names must be all uppercase.
  • 既存の設定の再発明はやめましょう。


Using settings without setting DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE

In some cases, you might want to bypass the DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE environment variable. For example, if you're using the template system by itself, you likely don't want to have to set up an environment variable pointing to a settings module.


django.conf.settings.configure(default_settings, **settings)


from django.conf import settings


Pass configure() as many keyword arguments as you'd like, with each keyword argument representing a setting and its value. Each argument name should be all uppercase, with the same name as the settings described above. If a particular setting is not passed to configure() and is needed at some later point, Django will use the default setting value.

Configuring Django in this fashion is mostly necessary -- and, indeed, recommended -- when you're using a piece of the framework inside a larger application.

したがって、settings.configure() を介して設定された場合、Djangoはプロセス環境変数を変更しません (これが通常発生する理由については、TIME_ZONE のドキュメントを参照してください)。これらの場合、すでに環境を完全に制御していることが前提となります。

Custom default settings

If you'd like default values to come from somewhere other than django.conf.global_settings, you can pass in a module or class that provides the default settings as the default_settings argument (or as the first positional argument) in the call to configure().

In this example, default settings are taken from myapp_defaults, and the DEBUG setting is set to True, regardless of its value in myapp_defaults:

from django.conf import settings
from myapp import myapp_defaults

settings.configure(default_settings=myapp_defaults, DEBUG=True)

The following example, which uses myapp_defaults as a positional argument, is equivalent:

settings.configure(myapp_defaults, DEBUG=True)

Normally, you will not need to override the defaults in this fashion. The Django defaults are sufficiently tame that you can safely use them. Be aware that if you do pass in a new default module, it entirely replaces the Django defaults, so you must specify a value for every possible setting that might be used in that code you are importing. Check in django.conf.settings.global_settings for the full list.

Either configure() or DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE is required

If you're not setting the DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE environment variable, you must call configure() at some point before using any code that reads settings.

If you don't set DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE and don't call configure(), Django will raise an ImportError exception the first time a setting is accessed.

If you set DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE, access settings values somehow, then call configure(), Django will raise a RuntimeError indicating that settings have already been configured. There is a property for this purpose:



from django.conf import settings
if not settings.configured:
    settings.configure(myapp_defaults, DEBUG=True)

Also, it's an error to call configure() more than once, or to call configure() after any setting has been accessed.

It boils down to this: Use exactly one of either configure() or DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE. Not both, and not neither.

Calling django.setup() is required for "standalone" Django usage

If you're using components of Django "standalone" -- for example, writing a Python script which loads some Django templates and renders them, or uses the ORM to fetch some data -- there's one more step you'll need in addition to configuring settings.

After you've either set DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE or called configure(), you'll need to call django.setup() to load your settings and populate Django's application registry. For example:

import django
from django.conf import settings
from myapp import myapp_defaults

settings.configure(default_settings=myapp_defaults, DEBUG=True)

# Now this script or any imported module can use any part of Django it needs.
from myapp import models

Note that calling django.setup() is only necessary if your code is truly standalone. When invoked by your web server, or through django-admin, Django will handle this for you.

django.setup() may only be called once.

Therefore, avoid putting reusable application logic in standalone scripts so that you have to import from the script elsewhere in your application. If you can't avoid that, put the call to django.setup() inside an if block:

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import django


The Settings Reference
Contains the complete list of core and contrib app settings.