
phrase: max: clip:
target: order:
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Django 1.7.3 release notes — Django 4.0.6 ドキュメント 4426
" + tagname + " "); } }); $("div.highlight\\-html\\+django span.nf").each(function(i, elem) { va ... ome HTTP_X_AUTH_USER in the WSGI environ (and thus also in Django's request.META dictionary). Unfortunatel ...
https://man.plustar.jp/django/releases/1.7.3.html - [similar]
Django 1.9.2 リリースノート — Django 4.0.6 ドキュメント 4426
" + tagname + " "); } }); $("div.highlight\\-html\\+django span.nf").each(function(i, elem) { va ... ty regression in 1.9 and several bugs in 1.9.1. It also makes a small backwards incompatible change that h ...
https://man.plustar.jp/django/releases/1.9.2.html - [similar]
Django 2.2.4 リリースノート — Django 4.0.6 ドキュメント 4426
" + tagname + " "); } }); $("div.highlight\\-html\\+django span.nf").each(function(i, elem) { va ... sponding striptags template filter, which was thus also vulnerable. strip_tags() now avoids recursive call ...
https://man.plustar.jp/django/releases/2.2.4.html - [similar]
モデル — Django 4.0.6 ドキュメント 4426
" + tagname + " "); } }); $("div.highlight\\-html\\+django span.nf").each(function(i, elem) { va ... re are more than two foreign keys though, you must also specify through_fields as above, or a validation e ... : Ringo Starr>, <Person: Paul McCartney>]> You can also use add() , create() , or set() to create relation ... > As you are using an intermediate model, you can also query on its attributes: # Find all the members of ... rst_name = "foobar" ) <MyPerson: foobar> You could also use a proxy model to define a different default or ...
https://man.plustar.jp/django/topics/db/models.html - [similar]
フォームを使う — Django 4.0.6 ドキュメント 4426
" + tagname + " "); } }); $("div.highlight\\-html\\+django span.nf").each(function(i, elem) { va ... 与えないリクエストのみに使われるべきです。 GET would also be unsuitable for a password form, because the pas ... sword would appear in the URL, and thus, also in browser history and server logs, all in plain t ... 術に、アクセスできるようにする上で重要です。You can also customize the way in which labels and ids are gene ...
https://man.plustar.jp/django/topics/forms/index.html - [similar]
フォームアセット (Media クラス) — Django 4.0.6 ドキュメント 4426
" + tagname + " "); } }); $("div.highlight\\-html\\+django span.nf").each(function(i, elem) { va ... -to-use web form requires more than just HTML - it also requires CSS stylesheets, and if you want to use f ... ancy widgets, you may also need to include some JavaScript on each page. The ...
https://man.plustar.jp/django/topics/forms/media.html - [similar]
Django におけるセキュリティ — Django 4.0.6 ドキュメント 4426
" + tagname + " "); } }); $("div.highlight\\-html\\+django span.nf").each(function(i, elem) { va ... access to any subdomains, django.contrib.sessions also has limitations. See the session topic guide secti ... guration of your web server. No bulletproof technical solution exists at the framework level to safely val ... arious topics regarding web security . Their pages also include security principles that apply to any syst ...
https://man.plustar.jp/django/topics/security.html - [similar]
django.utils.decorators — Django 4.0.6 ドキュメント 4333
" + tagname + " "); } }); $("div.highlight\\-html\\+django span.nf").each(function(i, elem) { va ... it's a closure over self so it can call # 'func'. Also, wrap method.__get__() in a function because new # ...
https://man.plustar.jp/django/_modules/django/utils/decorators.html - [similar]
WSGI とともにデプロイするには — Django 4.0.6 ドキュメント 4333
" + tagname + " "); } }); $("div.highlight\\-html\\+django span.nf").each(function(i, elem) { va ... = HelloWorldApplication ( application ) You could also replace the Django WSGI application with a custom ...
https://man.plustar.jp/django/howto/deployment/wsgi/index.html - [similar]
Django を uWSGI とともに使うには? — Django 4.0.6 ドキュメント 4333
" + tagname + " "); } }); $("div.highlight\\-html\\+django span.nf").each(function(i, elem) { va ... t-master.pid \ --socket = 127 .0.0.1:49152 \ # can also be a file --processes = 5 \ # number of worker pro ...
https://man.plustar.jp/django/howto/deployment/wsgi/uwsgi.html - [similar]