Results of 1 - 5 of about 5 for header (0.028 sec.)
- Nginx を認証プロキシとして使う 12464
- Docker-docs-ja 19.03 Guides - ガイド Docker の入手 Get started - 始めましょう Docker で開発 プロ
ed to add the ## 'Docker-Distribution-Api-Version' header. ## The registry always sets this header. ## In th...
e case of nginx performing auth, the header will be unset ## since nginx is auth-ing before pr...
If $docker_distribution_api_version is empty, the header will not be added. ## See the map directive above...
where this variable is defined. add_header 'Docker-Distribution-Api-Version' \$docker_distrib...
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- Registry 設定リファレンス 9909
- Docker-docs-ja 19.03 Guides - ガイド Docker の入手 Get started - 始めましょう Docker で開発 プロ
th/to/another/ca.pem debug : addr : localhost:5001 headers : X-Content-Type-Options : [ nosniff ] notificati...
sabled : false url : headers : <http.Header> timeout : 500 threshold : 5 backo...
p : - uri : headers : Authorization : [ Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2F...
th/to/another/ca.pem debug : addr : localhost:5001 headers : X-Content-Type-Options : [ nosniff ] (以下ToDo)...
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- Apache を認証プロキシとして使う 8291
- Docker-docs-ja 19.03 Guides - ガイド Docker の入手 Get started - 始めましょう Docker で開発 プロ
ou will use cat <<EOF > auth/httpd.conf LoadModule headers_module modules/ LoadModule authn_fi...
GCM:AES256+EECDH:AES256+EDH SSLHonorCipherOrder on Header always set "Docker-Distribution-Api-Version" "regi...
stry/2.0" Header onsuccess set "Docker-Distribution-Api-Version" "r...
egistry/2.0" RequestHeader set X-Forwarded-Proto "https" ProxyRequests off Pr...
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- 通知 7684
- Docker-docs-ja 19.03 Guides - ガイド Docker の入手 Get started - 始めましょう Docker で開発 プロ
rl : https : // mylistener . example . com / event headers : Authorization : [ Bearer < your token , if need...
to , with the header “Authorization: Bearer ”. The request would timeou...
s:// ), timeout=500ms, headers=map[Authorization:[Bearer <your token if needed>]...
-5003", "url":" http://localhost:5003/callback ", "Headers":{ "Authorization":[ "Bearer u003can example toke...
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- daemon 7574
- Docker-docs-ja 19.03 Guides - ガイド Docker の入手 Get started - 始めましょう Docker で開発 プロ
コンテナの自給自足ランタイム オプション: --api-cors-header = "" リモート API の CORS ヘッダをセットする --aut...
: "" , "tlscert" : "" , "tlskey" : "" , "api-cors-header" : "" , "selinux-enabled" : false , "userns-remap"...
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