
phrase: max: clip:
target: order:
Results of 81 - 90 of about 172 for command (0.030 sec.)
Man page of LDD 5182
LDD Section: Linux Programmer's Manual (1) Updated: 2019-03-06 Index JM Home Page 名前 ldd - 共有 ... by each program or shared object specified on the command line. An example of its use and output (using sed ... - [similar]
Man page of TELNET 5182
TELNET Section: User Commands (1) Index JM Home Page BSD mandoc Linux NetKit (0.17) 名前 telnet ... ザーが csh (1) を使っている場合にのみ動作する。 ! [ command ] ローカルシステムのサブシェルで、コマンドを 1 つ実 ... 行する。 command が省略されると、サブシェルが対話モードで起動される ... 。 ? [ command ] ヘルプを表示する。 引き数がない場合、 telnet はヘ ... - [similar]
Man page of POLL 5182
POLL Section: Linux Programmer's Manual (2) Updated: 2020-04-11 Index JM Home Page 名前 poll, pp ... program below opens each of the files named in its command-line arguments and monitors the resulting file des ... s == NULL) errExit("malloc"); /* Open each file on command line, and add it 'pfds' array */ for (int j = 0; j ... - [similar]
Man page of POLL 5182
POLL Section: Linux Programmer's Manual (2) Updated: 2020-04-11 Index JM Home Page 名前 poll, pp ... program below opens each of the files named in its command-line arguments and monitors the resulting file des ... s == NULL) errExit("malloc"); /* Open each file on command line, and add it 'pfds' array */ for (int j = 0; j ... - [similar]
Man page of UNSHARE 5182
UNSHARE Section: Linux Programmer's Manual (2) Updated: 2020-04-11 Index JM Home Page 名前 unsha ... share.c A simple implementation of the unshare (1) command: unshare namespaces and execute a command. */ #def ... - [similar]
Man page of SHM_OPEN 5182
SHM_OPEN Section: Linux Programmer's Manual (3) Updated: 2020-11-01 Index JM Home Page 名前 shm_ ... ew shared memory object with the name given in its command-line argument and sizes the object to match the si ... ース: pshm_ucase_send.c The "send" program takes two command-line arguments: the pathname of a shared memory ob ... - [similar]
Man page of SHM_OPEN 5182
SHM_OPEN Section: Linux Programmer's Manual (3) Updated: 2020-11-01 Index JM Home Page 名前 shm_ ... ew shared memory object with the name given in its command-line argument and sizes the object to match the si ... ース: pshm_ucase_send.c The "send" program takes two command-line arguments: the pathname of a shared memory ob ... - [similar]
Man page of ALIASES 5182
ALIASES Section: File Formats (5) Updated: %Date: 2000/12/14 23:08:15 % Index JM Home Page 名称 ... たファイルに、 メッセージが追加されます。 コマンド |command コマンドはパイプシンボル (|) で開始し、メッセージを ... - [similar]
Man page of FANOTIFY 5182
FANOTIFY Section: Linux Programmer's Manual (7) Updated: 2020-11-01 Index JM Home Page 名前 fano ... tor. The program marks the mount point passed as a command-line argument and waits for events of type FAN_OPE ... am marks the filesystem object that is passed as a command-line argument and waits until an event of type FAN ... f (argc != 2) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid number of command line arguments.\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } mount_f ... - [similar]
Man page of URI 5182
URI Section: Linux Programmer's Manual (7) Updated: 2020-08-13 Index JM Home Page 名前 uri, url, ... e:///etc/passwd > など。 man - man ページ文書 man: command-name man: command-name ( section ) これはローカルの ... ラインマニュアル (man) リファレスページを参照する。 command-name には括弧とセクション番号を追加してもよい。 セ ... - [similar]
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