
phrase: max: clip:
target: order:
Results of 1 - 7 of about 7 for because (0.017 sec.)
Subtyping and Variance 13286
はじめに 1. 安全と危険のご紹介 1.1. 安全と危険の相互作用 1.2. Unsafe と連携する 2. データレイアウ ... btype of 'b . This is a large source of confusion, because it seems intuitively backwards to many: the bigger ... also subtypes of every concrete lifetime. This is because taking an arbitrary lifetime is strictly more gene ... only borrows T. Box and Vec are interesting cases because they're variant, but you can definitely store valu ... ts really clever: it's fine for them to be variant because you can only store values in them via a mutable re ...
https://man.plustar.jp/rust/nomicon/subtyping.html - [similar]
Send and Sync 9251
はじめに 1. 安全と危険のご紹介 1.1. 安全と危険の相互作用 1.2. Unsafe と連携する 2. データレイアウ ... s include: raw pointers are neither Send nor Sync (because they have no safety guards). UnsafeCell isn't Sync ... e Cell and RefCell aren't). Rc isn't Send or Sync (because the refcount is shared and unsynchronized). Rc and ... iterators into these collections are Send and Sync because they largely behave like an & or &mut into the col ...
https://man.plustar.jp/rust/nomicon/send-and-sync.html - [similar]
print.html 8978
はじめに 1. 安全と危険のご紹介 1.1. 安全と危険の相互作用 1.2. Unsafe と連携する 2. データレイアウ ... 11:5: 11:8 error: cannot borrow `foo` as immutable because it is also borrowed as mutable (エラー: `foo`は可変 ... btype of 'b . This is a large source of confusion, because it seems intuitively backwards to many: the bigger ... also subtypes of every concrete lifetime. This is because taking an arbitrary lifetime is strictly more gene ... only borrows T. Box and Vec are interesting cases because they're variant, but you can definitely store valu ...
https://man.plustar.jp/rust/nomicon/print.html - [similar]
Drop Check 8451
はじめに 1. 安全と危険のご紹介 1.1. 安全と危険の相互作用 1.2. Unsafe と連携する 2. データレイアウ ... e that implements Drop. So why do we care? We care because if the type system isn't careful, it could acciden ... tribute requires the Drop impl to be marked unsafe because the compiler is not checking the implicit assertio ... s or drops, but omit the attribute from 'a and U , because we do access data with that lifetime and that type ...
https://man.plustar.jp/rust/nomicon/dropck.html - [similar]
PhantomData 8451
はじめに 1. 安全と危険のご紹介 1.1. 安全と危険の相互作用 1.2. Unsafe と連携する 2. データレイアウ ... , T: 'a> { ptr: *const T, end: *const T, } However because 'a is unused within the struct's body, it's unboun ... ded . Because of the troubles this has historically caused, unbo ...
https://man.plustar.jp/rust/nomicon/phantom-data.html - [similar]
Atomics 7779
はじめに 1. 安全と危険のご紹介 1.1. 安全と危険の相互作用 1.2. Unsafe と連携する 2. データレイアウ ... r to be able to make these kinds of optimizations, because they can seriously improve performance. On the oth ... trongly-ordered hardware may be cheap or even free because they already provide strong guarantees uncondition ...
https://man.plustar.jp/rust/nomicon/atomics.html - [similar]
ライフタイムシステムの限界 7379
はじめに 1. 安全と危険のご紹介 1.1. 安全と危険の相互作用 1.2. Unsafe と連携する 2. データレイアウ ... 11:5: 11:8 error: cannot borrow `foo` as immutable because it is also borrowed as mutable (エラー: `foo`は可変 ...
https://man.plustar.jp/rust/nomicon/lifetime-mismatch.html - [similar]