
phrase: max: clip:
target: order:
Results of 1 - 9 of about 9 for not (0.020 sec.)
Drop Check 13553
はじめに 1. 安全と危険のご紹介 1.1. 安全と危険の相互作用 1.2. Unsafe と連携する 2. データレイアウ ... lance, this seems to be a meaningless distinction. Nothing ever gets dropped at the same time as another, ... dropped before the other, but the actual order is not specified. Tuples aren't special in this regard; c ... sound and compiles today. The fact that days does not strictly outlive inspector doesn't matter. As long ... d memory! } <anon>:12:28: 12:32 error: `days` does not live long enough <anon>:12 inspector = Inspector(& ...
https://man.plustar.jp/rust/nomicon/dropck.html - [similar]
Atomics 9724
はじめに 1. 安全と危険のご紹介 1.1. 安全と危険の相互作用 1.2. Unsafe と連携する 2. データレイアウ ... t inherits C11's memory model for atomics. This is not due to this model being particularly excellent or ... e order on one thread, occur in the same order on another thread. To guarantee this, we must issue specia ... ardware enables: y = 2 : (thread 2 saw x = 1 , but not y = 3 , and then overwrote y = 3 ) It's worth noti ... gories: strongly-ordered and weakly- ordered. Most notably x86/64 provides strong ordering guarantees, wh ...
https://man.plustar.jp/rust/nomicon/atomics.html - [similar]
print.html 9275
はじめに 1. 安全と危険のご紹介 1.1. 安全と危険の相互作用 1.2. Unsafe と連携する 2. データレイアウ ... 裏本 高度で危険な Rust Programming のための闇の技法 NOTE: この文書はドラフトです。重大な間違いを含んでいる ... コンパイルすると・・・。 <anon>:11:5: 11:8 error: cannot borrow `foo` as immutable because it is also borro ... せん) <anon>:11 foo.share(); ^~~ <anon>:10:16: 10:19 note: previous borrow of `foo` occurs here; the mutabl ... an = foo.mutate_and_share(); ^~~ <anon>:12:2: 12:2 note: previous borrow ends here (注釈: 以前の借用はここ ...
https://man.plustar.jp/rust/nomicon/print.html - [similar]
Send and Sync 9203
はじめに 1. 安全と危険のご紹介 1.1. 安全と危険の相互作用 1.2. Unsafe と連携する 2. データレイアウ ... 装 Light (default) Rust Coal Navy Ayu Send and Sync Not everything obeys inherited mutability, though. Som ... ization to manage this access, they are absolutely not thread safe. Rust captures this through the Send a ... raits. A type is Send if it is safe to send it to another thread. A type is Sync if it is safe to share b ... ronized). Rc and UnsafeCell are very fundamentally not thread-safe: they enable unsynchronized shared mut ...
https://man.plustar.jp/rust/nomicon/send-and-sync.html - [similar]
Subtyping and Variance 8286
はじめに 1. 安全と危険のご紹介 1.1. 安全と危険の相互作用 1.2. Unsafe と連携する 2. データレイアウ ... typing and Variance Although Rust doesn't have any notion of structural inheritance, it does include subt ... and more , just as 'static is just 'a and more . (Note, the subtyping relationship and typed-ness of lif ... expected. The additional level of indirection does not change the desire to be able to pass longer lived ... ference knows this information, so it's fine. Put another way: &'a mut T owns 'a , but only borrows T. Bo ...
https://man.plustar.jp/rust/nomicon/subtyping.html - [similar]
PhantomData 8214
はじめに 1. 安全と危険のご紹介 1.1. 安全と危険の相互作用 1.2. Unsafe と連携する 2. データレイアウ ... etimes are logically associated with a struct, but not actually part of a field. This most commonly occur ... be variant over 'a and T . Everything Just Works. Another important example is Vec, which is (approximate ... checker will generously determine that Vec<T> does not own any values of type T. This will in turn make i ...
https://man.plustar.jp/rust/nomicon/phantom-data.html - [similar]
型強制 7621
はじめに 1. 安全と危険のご紹介 1.1. 安全と危険の相互作用 1.2. Unsafe と連携する 2. データレイアウ ... 10:8 error: the trait bound `&mut i32 : Trait` is not satisfied [E0277] (エラー: トレイト境界 `&mut i32: ...
https://man.plustar.jp/rust/nomicon/coercions.html - [similar]
Final Code 7549
はじめに 1. 安全と危険のご紹介 1.1. 安全と危険の相互作用 1.2. Unsafe と連携する 2. データレイアウ ... we need to do this *eventually* // anyway, so why not do it now? self.len = 0; Drain { iter: iter, vec: ...
https://man.plustar.jp/rust/nomicon/vec-final.html - [similar]
アロケーティング 7387
はじめに 1. 安全と危険のご紹介 1.1. 安全と危険の相互作用 1.2. Unsafe と連携する 2. データレイアウ ... ていません assert!(mem::size_of::<T>() != 0, "We're not ready to handle ZSTs"); unsafe { // EMPTY を欲しい ...
https://man.plustar.jp/rust/nomicon/vec-alloc.html - [similar]