
phrase: max: clip:
target: order:
Results of 1 - 10 of about 14 for type (0.018 sec.)
Subtyping and Variance 12866
はじめに 1. 安全と危険のご紹介 1.1. 安全と危険の相互作用 1.2. Unsafe と連携する 2. データレイアウ ... "a contains b" or "a outlives b"), then 'a is a subtype of 'b . This is a large source of confusion, becau ... tively backwards to many: the bigger scope is a subtype of the smaller scope. This does in fact make sense ... a and more . (Note, the subtyping relationship and typed-ness of lifetimes is a fairly arbitrary construct ... it simplifies our analysis to treat lifetimes and types uniformly.) Higher-ranked lifetimes are also subt ...
https://man.plustar.jp/rust/nomicon/subtyping.html - [similar]
Drop Check 10713
はじめに 1. 安全と危険のご紹介 1.1. 安全と危険の相互作用 1.2. Unsafe と連携する 2. データレイアウ ... he actual destruction order of the contents of any type that implements Drop. So why do we care? We care b ... ecause if the type system isn't careful, it could accidentally make d ... death. This means it can potentially observe that types that are supposed to live as long as it does actu ... were destroyed first. Interestingly, only generic types need to worry about this. If they aren't generic, ...
https://man.plustar.jp/rust/nomicon/dropck.html - [similar]
print.html 10643
はじめに 1. 安全と危険のご紹介 1.1. 安全と危険の相互作用 1.2. Unsafe と連携する 2. データレイアウ ... 限りません。 動的サイズの型(DST: Dynamically Sized Type) 実際に、Rust は動的にサイズが決まる型(DST)、静的 ... は正しく動きません サイズが 0 の型(ZST: Zero Sized Type) Rust ではなんと、スペースを持たない型を使うことが ... "a contains b" or "a outlives b"), then 'a is a subtype of 'b . This is a large source of confusion, becau ... tively backwards to many: the bigger scope is a subtype of the smaller scope. This does in fact make sense ...
https://man.plustar.jp/rust/nomicon/print.html - [similar]
PhantomData 10030
はじめに 1. 安全と危険のご紹介 1.1. 安全と危険の相互作用 1.2. Unsafe と連携する 2. データレイアウ ... afe code, we can often end up in a situation where types or lifetimes are logically associated with a stru ... s has historically caused, unbounded lifetimes and types are forbidden in struct definitions. Therefore we ... must somehow refer to these types in the body. Correctly doing this is necessary to ... this using PhantomData , which is a special marker type. PhantomData consumes no space, but simulates a fi ...
https://man.plustar.jp/rust/nomicon/phantom-data.html - [similar]
Send and Sync 9872
はじめに 1. 安全と危険のご紹介 1.1. 安全と危険の相互作用 1.2. Unsafe と連携する 2. データレイアウ ... verything obeys inherited mutability, though. Some types allow you to multiply alias a location in memory ... while mutating it. Unless these types use synchronization to manage this access, they a ... captures this through the Send and Sync traits. A type is Send if it is safe to send it to another thread ... . A type is Sync if it is safe to share between threads ( & ...
https://man.plustar.jp/rust/nomicon/send-and-sync.html - [similar]
借用の分割 8875
はじめに 1. 安全と危険のご紹介 1.1. 安全と危険の相互作用 1.2. Unsafe と連携する 2. データレイアウ ... す。 #![allow(unused)] fn main() { trait Iterator { type Item; fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item>; } ... です! 例えばこれは、片方向リストです。 fn main() {} type Link<T> = Option<Box<Node<T>>>; struct Node<T> { e ... de)) } } impl<'a, T> Iterator for IterMut<'a, T> { type Item = &'a mut T; fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Sel ... mut[T]); impl<'a, T> Iterator for IterMut<'a, T> { type Item = &'a mut T; fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Sel ...
https://man.plustar.jp/rust/nomicon/borrow-splitting.html - [similar]
Final Code 8262
はじめに 1. 安全と危険のご紹介 1.1. 安全と危険の相互作用 1.2. Unsafe と連携する 2. データレイアウ ... s handled by RawVec } } impl<T> Deref for Vec<T> { type Target = [T]; fn deref(&self) -> &[T] { unsafe { : ... size) } } } } impl<T> Iterator for RawValIter<T> { type Item = T; fn next(&mut self) -> Option<T> { if sel ... awValIter<T>, } impl<T> Iterator for IntoIter<T> { type Item = T; fn next(&mut self) -> Option<T> { self.i ... Iter<T>, } impl<'a, T> Iterator for Drain<'a, T> { type Item = T; fn next(&mut self) -> Option<T> { self.i ...
https://man.plustar.jp/rust/nomicon/vec-final.html - [similar]
Drain 8034
はじめに 1. 安全と危険のご紹介 1.1. 安全と危険の相互作用 1.2. Unsafe と連携する 2. データレイアウ ... const T, } impl<'a, T> Iterator for Drain<'a, T> { type Item = T; fn next(&mut self) -> Option<T> { if sel ... awValIter<T>, } impl<T> Iterator for IntoIter<T> { type Item = T; fn next(&mut self) -> Option<T> { self.i ... Iter<T>, } impl<'a, T> Iterator for Drain<'a, T> { type Item = T; fn next(&mut self) -> Option<T> { self.i ...
https://man.plustar.jp/rust/nomicon/vec-drain.html - [similar]
奇妙なサイズの型 7422
はじめに 1. 安全と危険のご紹介 1.1. 安全と危険の相互作用 1.2. Unsafe と連携する 2. データレイアウ ... 限りません。 動的サイズの型(DST: Dynamically Sized Type) 実際に、Rust は動的にサイズが決まる型(DST)、静的 ... は正しく動きません サイズが 0 の型(ZST: Zero Sized Type) Rust ではなんと、スペースを持たない型を使うことが ...
https://man.plustar.jp/rust/nomicon/exotic-sizes.html - [similar]
参照外し 7264
はじめに 1. 安全と危険のご紹介 1.1. 安全と危険の相互作用 1.2. Unsafe と連携する 2. データレイアウ ... す。 use std::ops::Deref; impl<T> Deref for Vec<T> { type Target = [T]; fn deref(&self) -> &[T] { unsafe { : ...
https://man.plustar.jp/rust/nomicon/vec-deref.html - [similar]