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vim9 - Vimドキュメント

vim9.txt      For Vim バージョン 8.2.  Last change: 2021 Mar 03

                  VIMリファレンスマニュアル    by Bram Moolenaar


Vim9 script のコマンドと文法                                    Vim9 vim9

ほとんどの文法については eval.txt で解説されています。このファイルには Vim9
script の新しい文法と機能について書かれています。


1.  Vim9 script とは                    Vim9-script
2.  変更点                              vim9-differences
3.  新しいスタイルの関数                fast-functions
4.  型                                  vim9-types
5.  名前空間、Import と Export          vim9script
6.  将来的な変更: クラス                vim9-classes

9.  言語設計の背景                      vim9-rationale


1. Vim9 script とは                                     Vim9-script


Vim script は、互換性の維持に気を配りながら成長してきました。そのため、古い悪
しき仕様を変更できないことが多いほか、Vi との互換性に制約を受けて、より良い解

Vim9 script の主な目的は劇的な性能の向上です。これは、コマンドをより効率よく実

第2の目的は、Vim script 特有の文法を回避し、より一般的に使われる JavaScript や
TypeScript、Java のようなプログラミング言語に近づけることです。

パフォーマンスの向上は、100% の下位互換性を捨てることによってのみ達成しうるも
のです。たとえば、関数の引数を辞書 "a:" から利用できるようにするためには、かな
りのオーバーヘッドが必要になります。そのため、Vim9 script では、この辞書が利用

Vim9 script は以下の場所で使用することができます:
- コマンド :def で定義された関数の中
- コマンド vim9script で始まるスクリプトファイルの中
- 上記のコンテキストで定義された自動コマンド
- コマンド修飾子 vim9cmd が先頭に付いたコマンド

Vim9 スクリプトファイルの中でコマンド :function で関数を定義すると、その中で
は旧来の Vim script の記法が、最新の scriptversion とともに有効になります。

Vim9 script と旧来の Vim script は同時に利用できます。古いスクリプトを書き換え

                                                :vim9 :vim9cmd
:vim9[cmd] {cmd}
                Vim9 scriptの 文法と方式を使用して {cmd} を実行します。コマン


2. 旧来の Vim script からの変更点                       vim9-differences



Vim9 script と :def で定義する関数を使用する際に最もよく遭遇する変更点の概要
- コメントは " ではなく、# で始めます:
        echo "hello"   # コメント
- 行継続文字 (\) はほとんどの場合、必要ありません:
        echo "hello "
             .. yourName
             .. ", how are you?"
- 多くの場所にスペースが必要になります。
- 値の代入には :let を使用せず、変数の宣言には :var を使用します:
        var count = 0
        count += 3
:final と :const を使用して、定数を宣言できます:
        final matches = []                # matches を追加
        const names = ['Betty', 'Peter']  # 変更できない
:final は :finally の略語として使用することはできません。
- 変数と関数のスコープは、明示しない限りスクリプトローカルです。
- 関数を引数の型、戻り値の型とともに宣言します:
        def CallMe(count: number, message: string): bool
- 関数は :call なしで呼び出します:
        writefile(['done'], 'file.txt')
:xit:t:k:append:change:insert:open と波括弧変数は
- コマンドの前に範囲指定を置くときは、コロン (:) を前置しなくてはなりません:
- 特に指定しない限り、最新の scriptversion が使われます。

# から始まるコメント

旧来の Vim script のコメントは、ダブルクォーテーションで始めます。Vim9 script
のコメントは # で始めます。
        # 宣言
        var count = 0  # 出現回数

script では、# のみをコメントとして認識します。このコメント形式はシェルスクリ

Vi において # は行番号付きでテキストを表示します。Vim9 script では、代わりに
:number を使用します。
        101 number

可読性を向上するために、コマンドと #、コメント文の間にはスペースをおいてくださ
        var name = value # コメント
        var name = value# エラー!

旧来の Vim script では # は代替ファイル名としても使われます。Vim9 scriptでは、
代わりに %% を使う必要があります。## の代わりに %%% を使います。(すべての引数

Vim9 関数

:def で定義された関数はコンパイルされます。処理の実行は多くの場合、通常の関


- 関数が最初に呼び出されるとき
- 関数の定義されたスクリプトの中で、コマンド :defcompile に出会ったとき
- 関数に対してコマンド :disassemble が実行されたとき
- コンパイルされた関数から呼び出されたり、関数リファレンスとして使用されたとき

:def には :function の "range"、"abort"、"dict" や "closure" といったオプ
ションがありません。:def で定義する関数はエラー時は常に(ただし、:silent!
指定されたコマンドか、:try ブロックの中は除く)処理を中断し、渡される範囲を受
け取らない "dict" 関数にすることはできず、常にクロージャとすることができます。

引数の型と戻り値の型を指定する必要があります。型には "any" を指定することがで

引数を参照する際は、他のプログラミング言語と同様、"a:" をつけずに名前だけで指定
引数辞書 "a:" と 引数リスト "a:000" はありません。

可変長引数を定義する場合は TypeScript のように、最後の引数として名前とlist型で
        def MyFunc(...itemlist: list<number>)
           for item in itemlist

Vim9 script でスクリプト直下に :function や :def を使って関数を定義すると、
関数はプリフィックス "s:" をつけた際のように、スクリプトローカルで定義されま
す。"s:" を明示することもできます。グローバルスコープの関数や変数を定義するに
はプリフィックス "g:" をつける必要があります。オートロードスクリプトで定義する
場合は、"name#" をつけます。
        def ThisFunction()          # スクリプトローカル
        def s:ThisFunction()        # スクリプトローカル
        def g:ThatFunction()        # グローバル
        def scriptname#function()   # オートロード

:def で定義した関数の中で :function や :def でネストした関数を定義するこ
:def で定義した関数の中では、スクリプトのスコープで関数を定義することはでき
ません。プリフィックス "g:" を使ってグローバルスコープの関数を定義することはで

関数をプリフィックス "s:" や "g:" をつけずに参照した場合、Vim は関数を次のよう
- 同じ関数の中、ブロックスコープの中
- スクリプトスコープの中、インポートされたもの
- グローバル関数のリスト
しかし、明瞭にするためにもグローバル関数を参照する際はプリフィックス "g:" を付

用されるタイミングは、コマンド :defcompile によってコンパイルされるとき、ま


script でのスクリプトローカル関数は、スクリプトが読み込まれたときに一度定義さ

FuncUndefined は呼び出されません。必要であればオートロード関数を使用したり、
旧来の関数を呼び出すことで FuncUndefined イベントが発生します。

デフォルトでは Vim9 script の再読み込みにより関数と変数がクリアされる
旧来の Vim script を2回目に読み込んだときは、何も削除されることはなく、コマン

Vim9 script を2回目に読み込んだときは、存在するすべてのスクリプトローカルの関

        vim9script noclear

これを使用することで、再読み込みの際に任意の場所で finish コマンドにより脱出
        vim9script noclear
        setlocal completefunc=SomeFunc
        if exists('*g:SomeFunc') | finish | endif
        def g:SomeFunc()

:var、:final や :const で宣言する変数
                                                vim9-declaration :var
ローカル変数は :var で定義する必要があります。ローカル定数は :final または
:const で定義する必要があります。このセクションでは、両者を "変数" と呼ぶこ

        var script_var = 123
        def SomeFunc()
          var func_var = script_var
          if cond
            var block_var = func_var

        if cond
           var inner = 5
           var inner = 0
        echo inner  # エラー!

        var inner: number
        if cond
           inner = 5
           inner = 0
        echo inner

           var temp = 'temp'
        echo temp  # エラー!


Vim9 script では :let は使用できません。すでに存在する変数に題してはコマンド
数、そして Vim の定義済変数についても同様です。
変数は :unlet によって削除することもできます。

Ex コマンドをシャドーイングするので、必要であれば変数の名前を変更してくださ

グローバル変数やユーザー定義関数の前には、スクリプトレベルでも "g: "を付けなけ
        var script_local = 'text'
        g:global = 'value'
        var Funcref = g:ThatFunction

現在、&opt = value は "opt" オプションに値を設定する目的で使用されているた
め、:substitute コマンドをリピートする目的 ":&" を使用することはできません。

                                                vim9-const vim9-final
あります。JavaScript がその一例です。また、値そのものを不変にすることもあり、

変数とその値、両方を定数とするには、:const を使用します。何らかの複合的な値
        const myList = [1, 2]
        myList = [3, 4]         # エラー!
        myList[0] = 9           # エラー!
        myList->add(3)          # エラー!
変数の変更のみを禁止するには、:final を使用します。この場合は、中の値自体を
変えることはできます。Java でよく知られるものです。例:
        final myList = [1, 2]
        myList = [3, 4]         # エラー!
        myList[0] = 9           # OK
        myList->add(3)          # OK

一般に、定数はすべて大文字 (例: ALL_CAPS) で書かれますが、必ずしもそうしなくて

        final females = ["Mary"]
        const NAMES = [["John", "Peter"], females]
        NAMES[0] = ["Jack"]     # エラー!
        NAMES[0][0] = "Jack"    # エラー!
        NAMES[1] = ["Emma"]     # エラー!
        NAMES[1][0] = "Emma"    # OK, females[0] == "Emma"

        var [v1, v2] = GetValues()  # エラー!

:call と :eval は不要に

関数は :call なしで呼ぶことができます:
        writefile(lines, 'file')
:call は引き続き使用できますが、やめたほうが良いでしょう。

メソッド呼び出しには eval は必要ありません。Exコマンドと同名の識別子ではない
限り、直接に識別子から呼び出すことができます。関数の場合は、"(" または "->"の
        [1, 2, 3]->Process()
        {a: 1, b: 2}->Process()

一部の関数と Ex コマンドが紛らわしい場合、コロン (:) を前置することでそれが Ex
コマンドであることを明示することができます。たとえば、:substitute コマンドと
substitute() が該当します。substitute( で始まる場合は関数呼び出しですが、
        :substitute(pattern (replacement (

Note 変数は使用する前に宣言する必要がありますが、関数は宣言するより前に使用で

function() は不要に

ユーザー定義の関数は、function() を使わずとも関数リファレンスとして使用する

        var Funcref = MyFunction

function() を使って "func" 型のリファレンスを得た場合、その関数は任意の個数

ラムダ式には -> の代わりに => を使う

旧来のスクリプトでは "->" はメソッド呼び出しとラムダ式で混同するおそれがありま
す。また、"{" が見つかったとき、パーサーはラムダ式と辞書の開始を見分けねばなら

この問題を回避するため、Vim9 script ではラムダ式のために違う書式を使用し、それ
は Javascript に似ています:
        var Lambda = (arg) => expression

"=>" まで含めて、ラムダ式の引数の定義の中では改行することはできません。これは
        filter(list, (k, v) =>
                        v > 0)
        filter(list, (k, v)
                        => v > 0)
        filter(list, (k,
                        v) => v > 0)
        filter(list, (k,
                \       v)
                \       => v > 0)

加えて、ラムダ式には {} に複数のステートメントを含むことができます:
        var Lambda = (arg) => {
                g:was_called = 'yes'
                return expression

辞書リテラルの "{" がステートメントブロックと認識されてしまうのを回避するため
        var Lambda = (arg) => ({key: 42})

            key: value


クスラッシュ (line-continuation 参照) を置く必要はありません。たとえば、複数
        var mylist = [
        var mydict = {
                one: 1,
                two: 2,
        var result = Func(

角カッコ []、波カッコ {}、または丸カッコの中‘以外で’二項演算子御使用する場
        var text = lead
                   .. middle
                   .. end
        var total = start +
                    end -
        var result = positive
                        ? PosFunc(arg)
                        : NegFunc(arg)

"->" を使用したメソッド呼び出し、そしてドット (.) を使用したメンバー参照の場
        var result = GetBuilder()
        var result = MyDict

複数のコマンドのリストを引数に持つコマンドでは、行の先頭に置かれた文字 | は行
        autocmd BufNewFile *.match if condition
                |   echo 'match'
                | endif

す。"start" と print をつなげる例:
        var result = start
        + print
        var result = start + print

次のように書くと、"start" を代入して、1行表示します:
        var result = start
        :+ print

Note +cmd の引数にはコロンは不要です:
        edit +6 fname

        def MyFunc(
                text: string,
                separator = '-'
                ): string

        popup_create(some invalid expression, {
           exit_cb: Func})
ここで "exit_cb: Func})" は実際に有効なコマンドです: 変更をファイル
"_cb: Func})" に保存して閉じます。Vim9 script の中ではこの種のミスを回避するた

"windo echo expr" に続く "expr" の式の中で改行しても認識されません。

- "enddef" は継続行の先頭に置くことはできません。それは関数の終端を意味します。
- 代入式の左辺を複数の行に分割できません。特にリストのアンパック :let-unpack
        [var1, var2] =
            var2] =
:echo や :execute のようなコマンドの引数は複数の行に分割できません。これ
        echo [1,
                2] [3,
        echo [1, 2]
                [3, 4]


波括弧変数 curly-braces-names は使用できません。


従来、Vim は波括弧 {} で辞書リテラルの表記をサポートしてきました:
        let dict = {'key': value}

        let dict = #{key: value}

しかし、この #{} という表記は他の言語に比べて異色なものです。キーには式よりも
リテラルを使うほうが一般的で、JavaScript が使っている構文を考えると、辞書リテ
ラルに {} の表記を使うほうがずっと便利です:
        var dict = {key: value}

        var dict = {'key with space': value}
        var dict = {"key\twith\ttabs": value}
        var dict = {'': value}                  # 空のキー

キーに式を使用する必要がある場合は、JavaScript と同様に角括弧を使用することが
        var dict = {["key" .. nr]: value}

場合はエラーが発生します。数字は、[] をつけてもつけなくても与えられます:
        var dict = {123: 'without', [456]: 'with'}
        echo dict
        {'456': 'with', '123': 'without'}

:xit、:t、:k、:append、:change、:insert の廃止

:x や :xit の代わりに :exit を使用できます。
:t の代わりに :copy を使用できます。
:k の代わりに :mark を使用できます。


オプション 'ignorecase' は文字列の比較には作用しません。

For ループ

旧来の Vim script では、リストのループ内で現在または前の項目を削除するための
for ループをつくるために幾つかのトリックがあります。Vim9 script では、単純にイ
        let l = [1, 2, 3, 4]
        for i in l
           echo i
           call remove(l, index(l, i))
コンパイルされた Vim9 スクリプトでの出力は以下の通り:


Vim9 script ではスペースの適切な使用を推奨しています。以下のような記述はできま
        var name=234    # エラー!
        var name= 234   # エラー!
        var name =234   # エラー!
"=" の前後にはスペースを置く必要があります:
        var name = 234  # OK
コメント先頭の # の前にもスペースが必要です:
        var name = 234# エラー!
        var name = 234 # OK


部分リストの ":" の前後には、先頭と末尾の場合を除いてはスペースが必要です:
        otherlist = mylist[v : count]   # v:count は違う意味になる
        otherlist = mylist[:]           # リストのコピーを作る
        otherlist = mylist[v :]
        otherlist = mylist[: v]

- 関数の名前と "(" の間:
        Func (arg)         # エラー!
             \ (arg)       # エラー!
              (arg)        # エラー!
        Func(arg)          # OK
              arg)         # OK
              arg          # OK


条件と式は、他の言語とおよそ同じように扱われます。いくつかの値は旧来の Vim
script と扱いが異なります:
        値              旧来の Vim script       Vim9 script
        0               falsy                   falsy
        1               truthy                  truthy
        99              truthy                  エラー!
        "0"             falsy                   エラー!
        "99"            truthy                  エラー!
        "text"          falsy                   エラー!

"??" 演算子か "!" を使用している場合はエラーとなることはなく、すべての値は
falsy か truthy として評価されます。これは JavaScript とほぼ同じですが、空の
リストと辞書は falsy として評価されます:

        型              真と評価される値
        bool            true, v:true または 1
        number          非0
        float           非0
        string          空文字列以外
        blob            空ブロブ以外
        list            空リスト以外 (JavaScript とは異なります)
        dictionary      空辞書以外 (JavaScript とは異なります)
        func            when there is a function name
        special         true または v:true
        job             非 NULL
        channel         非 NULL
        class           非 NULL
        object          非 NULL (TODO: isTrue() が true を返すとき)

真偽値演算子 "||" と "&&" は、値が真偽値、0または1であることを期待します:

        1 || false   == true
        0 || 1       == true
        0 || false   == false
        1 && true    == true
        0 && 1       == false
        8 || 0       エラー!
        'yes' && 0   エラー!
        [] || 99     エラー!

"!" を使って論理否定をすると、どのような型に対しても結果は真偽値になります。
"!!" と二重論理否定をすることで、あらゆる型を真偽値に変換することができます:
        !'yes'                  == false
        !![]                    == false
        !![1, 2, 3]             == true

文字列の結合に .. を使用すると、すべての単純型の被演算子は常に文字列に変換さ
        'hello ' .. 123  == 'hello 123'
        'hello ' .. v:true  == 'hello true'

単純型とは、文字列 (string)、数値 (float)、特殊値 (special) と真偽値 (bool) で
す。他の型では string() が使用できます。

                                                        false true null
Vim9 script では "true" を v:true として、"false" を v:false として、そして
"null" を v:null として使うことができます。真偽値を文字列に変換するとき、旧来
のスクリプトのような "v:false" と "v:true" ではなく、"false" と "true" を使用
します。"v:none" は変わらず、JSONでのみ使用され、他の言語には相当するものはあ

文字列に対してインデックス [idx] や [idx : idx] を使用すると、バイト単位ではな
        echo 'bár'[1]
旧来の Vim script ではこれは文字 0xc3 (不正な文字) となりますが、Vim9 script
では文字列 'á' が得られます。
負のインデックスを指定すると、文字列の末尾から数えられます。"[-1]" は最後の文
最後の文字を除外するには slice() を使用します。

旧来のスクリプトでは "++var" と "--var" は寡黙に処理され、何の効果ももたらしま
せん。これは Vim9 script ではエラーになります。

ゼロから始まる数値は8進数とはみなされません、"0o" から始まる数値だけが8進数と
みなされます: "0o744"。scriptversion-4

Vim9 は、一般的なプログラミング言語に近づくように設計されていますが、同時に旧
来の Vim コマンドをサポートしようとしています。そのため、いくつかの妥協をしな

        ->                旧来の Vim: 前の行を右にシフト
        ->func()          Vim9: 継続行におけるメソッド呼び出し
        :->               Vim9: 前の行を右にシフト

        %s/a/b            旧来の Vim: すべての行を置換
        x = alongname
             % another    Vim9: 継続行の剰余演算
        :%s/a/b           Vim9: すべての行を置換
        't                旧来の Vim: マーク t へのジャンプ
        'text'->func()    Vim9: メソッド呼び出し
        :'t               Vim9: マーク t へのジャンプ

いくつかのExコマンドは Vim9 script の代入式と紛らわしくなります:
        g:name = value    # 代入
        g:pattern:cmd     # 不正なコマンド - エラー
        :g:pattern:cmd    # :グローバルコマンド

:def で定義した関数はすべてコンパイルされます。旧来の関数は途中で脱出するこ
        func Maybe()
          if !has('feature')
Vim9 関数はすべてコンパイルされます:
        def Maybe()
          if !has('feature')
          use-feature  # コンパイルエラーが発生する可能性がある
        func Maybe()
          if has('feature')
            call MaybeInner()
        if has('feature')
          def MaybeInner()
また、偽として評価される定数式の条件をもった if の配下にサポート外のコードを
        def Maybe()
          if has('feature')
        command -nargs=1 MyCommand echom <q-args>
        def Works()
          MyCommand 123
これは "MyCommand" が定義されていないというエラーが発生します:
        def Works()
          command -nargs=1 MyCommand echom <q-args>
          MyCommand 123
回避策は、:execute を使用して間接的にコマンドを呼び出すことです:
        def Works()
          command -nargs=1 MyCommand echom <q-args>
          execute 'MyCommand 123'

Note 認識されていないコマンドを "|" でつなぐと、その後のコマンドは認識されませ
ん。次のような記述は endif がないというエラーになります:
        def Maybe()
          if has('feature') | use-feature | endif


パターンは、明示的に上書きされない限り 'magic' が設定されている状態と同様に作
オプション 'edcompatible' の値は使用されません。
オプション 'gdefault' の値は使用されません。

また、このwikiも参考になるでしょう。これはVim9 scriptのアーリーアダプターによっ


3. New style functions                                  fast-functions


:def[!] {name}([arguments])[: {return-type}]
                        Define a new function by the name {name}.  The body of
                        the function follows in the next lines, until the
                        matching :enddef.

                        When {return-type} is omitted or is "void" the
                        function is not expected to return anything.
                        {arguments} is a sequence of zero or more argument
                        declarations.  There are three forms:
                                {name} = {value}
                                {name}{type} = {value}
                        The first form is a mandatory argument, the caller
                        must always provide them.
                        The second and third form are optional arguments.
                        When the caller omits an argument the {value} is used.

                        The function will be compiled into instructions when
                        called, or when :disassemble or :defcompile is
                        used.  Syntax and type errors will be produced at that

                        It is possible to nest :def inside another :def or
                        :function up to about 50 levels deep.

                        [!] is used as with :function.  Note that
                        script-local functions cannot be deleted or redefined
                        later in Vim9 script.  They can only be removed by
                        reloading the same script.

:enddef                 End of a function defined with :def. It should be on
                        a line by its own.

You may also find this wiki useful.  It was written by an early adoptor of
Vim9 script:

If the script the function is defined in is Vim9 script, then script-local
variables can be accessed without the "s:" prefix.  They must be defined
before the function is compiled.  If the script the function is defined in is
legacy script, then script-local variables must be accessed with the "s:"
prefix and they do not need to exist (they can be deleted any time).

                                                :defc :defcompile
:defc[ompile]           Compile functions defined in the current script that
                        were not compiled yet.
                        This will report errors found during the compilation.

                                                :disa :disassemble
:disa[ssemble] {func}   Show the instructions generated for {func}.
                        This is for debugging and testing.
                        Note that for command line completion of {func} you
                        can prepend "s:" to find script-local functions.

:disa[ssemble]! {func}  Like :disassemble but with the instructions used for


Local variables will not be visible to string evaluation.  For example:
        def MapList(): list<string>
          var list = ['aa', 'bb', 'cc', 'dd']
          return range(1, 2)->map('list[v:val]')

The map argument is a string expression, which is evaluated without the
function scope.  Instead, use a lambda:
        def MapList(): list<string>
          var list = ['aa', 'bb', 'cc', 'dd']
          return range(1, 2)->map(( _, v) => list[v])

The same is true for commands that are not compiled, such as :global.
For these the backtick expansion can be used.  Example:
        def Replace()
          var newText = 'blah'


4. Types                                        vim9-types


The following builtin types are supported:
        func: {type}
        func({type}, ...)
        func({type}, ...): {type}

Not supported yet:
        tuple<a: {type}, b: {type}, ...>

These types can be used in declarations, but no value will have this type:
        {type}|{type}  {not implemented yet}

There is no array type, use list<{type}> instead.  For a list constant an
efficient implementation is used that avoids allocating lot of small pieces of

A partial and function can be declared in more or less specific ways:
func                            any kind of function reference, no type
                                checking for arguments or return value
func: {type}                    any number and type of arguments with specific
                                return type
func({type})                    function with argument type, does not return
                                a value
func({type}): {type}            function with argument type and return type
func(?{type})                   function with type of optional argument, does
                                not return a value
func(...{type})                 function with type of variable number of
                                arguments, does not return a value
func({type}, ?{type}, ...{type}): {type}
                                function with:
                                - type of mandatory argument
                                - type of optional argument
                                - type of variable number of arguments
                                - return type

If the return type is "void" the function does not return a value.

The reference can also be a Partial, in which case it stores extra arguments
and/or a dictionary, which are not visible to the caller.  Since they are
called in the same way the declaration is the same.

Custom types can be defined with :type:
        :type MyList list<string>
Custom types must start with a capital letter, to avoid name clashes with
builtin types added later, similarly to user functions.
{not implemented yet}

And classes and interfaces can be used as types:
        :class MyClass
        :var mine: MyClass

        :interface MyInterface
        :var mine: MyInterface

        :class MyTemplate<Targ>
        :var mine: MyTemplate<number>
        :var mine: MyTemplate<string>

        :class MyInterface<Targ>
        :var mine: MyInterface<number>
        :var mine: MyInterface<string>
{not implemented yet}

Variable types and type casting
Variables declared in Vim9 script or in a :def function have a type, either
specified explicitly or inferred from the initialization.

Global, buffer, window and tab page variables do not have a specific type, the
value can be changed at any time, possibly changing the type.  Therefore, in
compiled code the "any" type is assumed.

This can be a problem when the "any" type is undesired and the actual type is
expected to always be the same.  For example, when declaring a list:
        var l: list<number> = [1, g:two]
At compile time Vim doesn't know the type of "g:two" and the expression type
becomes list<any>.  An instruction is generated to check the list type before
doing the assignment, which is a bit inefficient.
To avoid this, use a type cast:
        var l: list<number> = [1, <number>g:two]
The compiled code will then only check that "g:two" is a number and give an
error if it isn't.  This is called type casting.

The syntax of a type cast is:  "<" {type} ">".  There cannot be white space
after the "<" or before the ">" (to avoid them being confused with
smaller-than and bigger-than operators).

The semantics is that, if needed, a runtime type check is performed.  The
value is not actually changed.  If you need to change the type, e.g. to change
it to a string, use the string() function.  Or use str2nr() to convert a
string to a number.

Type inference
In general: Whenever the type is clear it can be omitted.  For example, when
declaring a variable and giving it a value:
        var name = 0            # infers number type
        var name = 'hello'      # infers string type

The type of a list and dictionary comes from the common type of the values.
If the values all have the same type, that type is used for the list or
dictionary.  If there is a mix of types, the "any" type is used.
        [1, 2, 3]       list<number>
        ['a', 'b', 'c'] list<string>
        [1, 'x', 3]     list<any>

Stricter type checking
In legacy Vim script, where a number was expected, a string would be
automatically converted to a number.  This was convenient for an actual number
such as "123", but leads to unexpected problems (but no error message) if the
string doesn't start with a number.  Quite often this leads to hard-to-find

In Vim9 script this has been made stricter.  In most places it works just as
before, if the value used matches the expected type.  There will sometimes be
an error, thus breaking backwards compatibility.  For example:
- Using a number other than 0 or 1 where a boolean is expected.  E1023
- Using a string value when setting a number options.
- Using a number where a string is expected.   E1024

One consequence is that the item type of a list or dict given to map() must
not change.  This will give an error in Vim9 script:
        map([1, 2, 3], (i, v) => 'item ' .. i)
        E1012: Type mismatch; expected number but got string
Instead use mapnew().  If the item type was determined to be "any" it can
change to a more specific type.  E.g. when a list of mixed types gets changed
to a list of numbers.
Same for extend(), use extendnew() instead, and for flatten(), use
flattennew() instead.


5. Namespace, Import and Export
                                        vim9script vim9-export vim9-import


A Vim9 script can be written to be imported.  This means that everything in
the script is local, unless exported.  Those exported items, and only those
items, can then be imported in another script.

You can cheat by using the global namespace explicitly.  We will assume here
that you don't do that.

To recognize a file that can be imported the vim9script statement must
appear as the first statement in the file (see vim9-mix for an exception).
It tells Vim to interpret the script in its own namespace, instead of the
global namespace.  If a file starts with:
        var myvar = 'yes'
Then "myvar" will only exist in this file.  While without vim9script it would
be available as g:myvar from any other script and function.

The variables at the file level are very much like the script-local "s:"
variables in legacy Vim script, but the "s:" is omitted.  And they cannot be

In Vim9 script the global "g:" namespace can still be used as before.  And the
"w:", "b:" and "t:" namespaces.  These have in common that variables are not
declared and they can be deleted.

A side effect of :vim9script is that the 'cpoptions' option is set to the
Vim default value, like with:
        :set cpo&vim
One of the effects is that line-continuation is always enabled.
The original value of 'cpoptions' is restored at the end of the script, while
flags added or removed in the script are also added to or removed from the
original value to get the same effect.  The order of flags may change.

There is one way to use both legacy and Vim9 syntax in one script file:
        " comments may go here
        if !has('vim9script')
           " legacy script commands go here
        # Vim9 script commands go here
This allows for writing a script that takes advantage of the Vim9 script
syntax if possible, but will also work on a Vim version without it.

This can only work in two ways:
1. The "if" statement evaluates to false, the commands up to endif are
   skipped and vim9script is then the first command actually executed.
2. The "if" statement evaluates to true, the commands up to endif are
   executed and finish bails out before reaching vim9script.

TODO: The "vim9script" feature does not exist yet, it will only be added once
the Vim9 script syntax has been fully implemented.

                                                        :export :exp
Exporting an item can be written as:
        export const EXPORTED_CONST = 1234
        export var someValue = ...
        export final someValue = ...
        export const someValue = ...
        export def MyFunc() ...
        export class MyClass ...

As this suggests, only constants, variables, :def functions and classes can
be exported. {not implemented yet: export class}

:export can only be used in Vim9 script, at the script level.

                                                :import :imp E1094
The exported items can be imported individually in another Vim9 script:
        import EXPORTED_CONST from "thatscript.vim"
        import MyClass from "myclass.vim"

To import multiple items at the same time:
        import {someValue, MyClass} from "thatscript.vim"

In case the name is ambiguous, another name can be specified:
        import MyClass as ThatClass from "myclass.vim"
        import {someValue, MyClass as ThatClass} from "myclass.vim"

To import all exported items under a specific identifier:
        import * as That from 'thatscript.vim'

{not implemented yet: using "This as That"}

Then you can use "That.EXPORTED_CONST", "That.someValue", etc.  You are free
to choose the name "That", but it is highly recommended to use the name of the
script file to avoid confusion.

:import can also be used in legacy Vim script.  The imported items still
become script-local, even when the "s:" prefix is not given.

The script name after import can be:
- A relative path, starting "." or "..".  This finds a file relative to the
  location of the script file itself.  This is useful to split up a large
  plugin into several files.
- An absolute path, starting with "/" on Unix or "D:/" on MS-Windows.  This
  will rarely be used.
- A path not being relative or absolute.  This will be found in the
  "import" subdirectories of 'runtimepath' entries.  The name will usually be
  longer and unique, to avoid loading the wrong file.

Once a vim9 script file has been imported, the result is cached and used the
next time the same script is imported.  It will not be read again.
The import commands are executed when encountered.  If that script (directly
or indirectly) imports the current script, then items defined after the
import won't be processed yet.  Therefore cyclic imports can exist, but may
result in undefined items.

Import in an autoload script

For optimal startup speed, loading scripts should be postponed until they are
actually needed.  A recommended mechanism:

1. In the plugin define user commands, functions and/or mappings that refer to
   an autoload script.
        command -nargs=1 SearchForStuff searchfor#Stuff(<f-args>)

    This goes in .../plugin/anyname.vim.  "anyname.vim" can be freely chosen.

2. In the autoload script do the actual work.  You can import items from
   other files to split up functionality in appropriate pieces.
        import FilterFunc from "../import/someother.vim"
        def searchfor#Stuff(arg: string)
          var filtered = FilterFunc(arg)
    This goes in .../autoload/searchfor.vim.  "searchfor" in the file name
   must be exactly the same as the prefix for the function name, that is how
   Vim finds the file.

3. Other functionality, possibly shared between plugins, contains the exported
   items and any private items.
        var localVar = 'local'
        export def FilterFunc(arg: string): string
    This goes in .../import/someother.vim.

When compiling a :def function and a function in an autoload script is
encountered, the script is not loaded until the :def function is called.

Import in legacy Vim script

If an import statement is used in legacy Vim script, the script-local "s:"
namespace will be used for the imported item, even when "s:" is not specified.


6. Future work: classes                                 vim9-classes

Above "class" was mentioned a few times, but it has not been implemented yet.
Most of Vim9 script can be created without this functionality, and since
implementing classes is going to be a lot of work, it is left for the future.
For now we'll just make sure classes can be added later.

class / endclass, everything in one file
- Class names are always CamelCase
- Single constructor
- Single inheritance with class ThisClass extends BaseClass
abstract class
interface (Abstract class without any implementation)
class SomeClass implements SomeInterface
- Generics for class: class <Tkey, Tentry>
- Generics for function: def <Tkey> GetLast(key: Tkey)

Again, much of this is from TypeScript.

Some things that look like good additions:
- Use a class as an interface (like Dart)
- Extend a class with methods, using an import (like Dart)

An important class that will be provided is "Promise".  Since Vim is single
threaded, connecting asynchronous operations is a natural way of allowing
plugins to do their work without blocking the user.  It's a uniform way to
invoke callbacks and handle timeouts and errors.


9. Rationale                                            vim9-rationale

The :def command

Plugin writers have asked for much faster Vim script.  Investigations have
shown that keeping the existing semantics of function calls make this close to
impossible, because of the overhead involved with calling a function, setting
up the local function scope and executing lines.  There are many details that
need to be handled, such as error messages and exceptions.  The need to create
a dictionary for a: and l: scopes, the a:000 list and several others add too
much overhead that cannot be avoided.

Therefore the :def method to define a new-style function had to be added,
which allows for a function with different semantics.  Most things still work
as before, but some parts do not.  A new way to define a function was
considered the best way to separate the legacy style code from Vim9 style code.

Using "def" to define a function comes from Python. Other languages use
"function" which clashes with legacy Vim script.

Type checking

When compiling lines of Vim commands into instructions as much as possible
should be done at compile time.  Postponing it to runtime makes the execution
slower and means mistakes are found only later.  For example, when
encountering the "+" character and compiling this into a generic add
instruction, at runtime the instruction would have to inspect the type of the
arguments and decide what kind of addition to do.  And when the type is
dictionary throw an error.  If the types are known to be numbers then an "add
number" instruction can be used, which is faster.  The error can be given at
compile time, no error handling is needed at runtime, since adding two numbers
cannot fail.

The syntax for types, using <type> for compound types, is similar to Java.  It
is easy to understand and widely used.  The type names are what were used in
Vim before, with some additions such as "void" and "bool".

Removing clutter and weirdness

Once decided that :def functions have different syntax than legacy functions,
we are free to add improvements to make the code more familiar for users who
know popular programming languages.  In other words: remove weird things that
only Vim does.

We can also remove clutter, mainly things that were done to make Vim script
backwards compatible with the good old Vi commands.

- Drop :call for calling a function and :eval for manipulating data.
- Drop using a leading backslash for line continuation, automatically figure
  out where an expression ends.

However, this does require that some things need to change:
- Comments start with # instead of ", to avoid confusing them with strings.
  This is good anyway, it is known from several popular languages.
- Ex command ranges need to be prefixed with a colon, to avoid confusion with
  expressions (single quote can be a string or a mark, "/" can be divide or a
  search command, etc.).

Goal is to limit the differences.  A good criteria is that when the old syntax
is accidentally used you are very likely to get an error message.

Syntax and semantics from popular languages

Script writers have complained that the Vim script syntax is unexpectedly
different from what they are used to.  To reduce this complaint popular
languages are used as an example.  At the same time, we do not want to abandon
the well-known parts of legacy Vim script.

For many things TypeScript is followed.  It's a recent language that is
gaining popularity and has similarities with Vim script.  It also has a
mix of static typing (a variable always has a known value type) and dynamic
typing (a variable can have different types, this changes at runtime).  Since
legacy Vim script is dynamically typed and a lot of existing functionality
(esp. builtin functions) depends on that, while static typing allows for much
faster execution, we need to have this mix in Vim9 script.

There is no intention to completely match TypeScript syntax and semantics.  We
just want to take those parts that we can use for Vim and we expect Vim users
will be happy with.  TypeScript is a complex language with its own history,
advantages and disadvantages.  To get an idea of the disadvantages read the
book: "JavaScript: The Good Parts".  Or find the article "TypeScript: the good
parts" and read the "Things to avoid" section.

People familiar with other languages (Java, Python, etc.) will also find
things in TypeScript that they do not like or do not understand.  We'll try to
avoid those things.

Specific items from TypeScript we avoid:
- Overloading "+", using it both for addition and string concatenation.  This
  goes against legacy Vim script and often leads to mistakes.  For that reason
  we will keep using ".." for string concatenation.  Lua also uses ".." this
  way.  And it allows for conversion to string for more values.
- TypeScript can use an expression like "99 || 'yes'" in a condition, but
  cannot assign the value to a boolean.  That is inconsistent and can be
  annoying.  Vim recognizes an expression with && or || and allows using the
  result as a bool.  TODO: to be reconsidered
- TypeScript considers an empty string as Falsy, but an empty list or dict as
  Truthy.  That is inconsistent.  In Vim an empty list and dict are also
- TypeScript has various "Readonly" types, which have limited usefulness,
  since a type cast can remove the immutable nature.  Vim locks the value,
  which is more flexible, but is only checked at runtime.


Legacy Vim script uses :let for every assignment, while in Vim9 declarations
are used.  That is different, thus it's good to use a different command:
:var.  This is used in many languages.  The semantics might be slightly
different, but it's easily recognized as a declaration.

Using :const  for constants is common, but the semantics varies.  Some
languages only make the variable immutable, others also make the value
immutable.  Since "final" is well known from Java for only making the variable
immutable we decided to use that.  And then :const can be used for making
both immutable.  This was also used in legacy Vim script and the meaning is
almost the same.

What we end up with is very similar to Dart:
        :var name       # mutable variable and value
        :final name     # immutable variable, mutable value
        :const name     # immutable variable and value

Since legacy and Vim9 script will be mixed and global variables will be
shared, optional type checking is desirable.  Also, type inference will avoid
the need for specifying the type in many cases.  The TypeScript syntax fits
best for adding types to declarations:
        var name: string          # string type is specified
        name = 'John'
        const greeting = 'hello'  # string type is inferred

This is how we put types in a declaration:
        var mylist: list<string>
        final mylist: list<string> = ['foo']
        def Func(arg1: number, arg2: string): bool

Two alternatives were considered:
1. Put the type before the name, like Dart:
        var list<string> mylist
        final list<string> mylist = ['foo']
        def Func(number arg1, string arg2) bool
2. Put the type after the variable name, but do not use a colon, like Go:
        var mylist list<string>
        final mylist list<string> = ['foo']
        def Func(arg1 number, arg2 string) bool

The first is more familiar for anyone used to C or Java.  The second one
doesn't really have an advantage over the first, so let's discard the second.

Since we use type inference the type can be left out when it can be inferred
from the value.  This means that after var we don't know if a type or a name
follows.  That makes parsing harder, not only for Vim but also for humans.
Also, it will not be allowed to use a variable name that could be a type name,
using var string string is too confusing.

The chosen syntax, using a colon to separate the name from the type, adds
punctuation, but it actually makes it easier to recognize the parts of a


Expression evaluation was already close to what other languages are doing.
Some details are unexpected and can be improved.  For example a boolean
condition would accept a string, convert it to a number and check if the
number is non-zero.  This is unexpected and often leads to mistakes, since
text not starting with a number would be converted to zero, which is
considered false.  Thus using a string for a condition would often not give an
error and be considered false.  That is confusing.

In Vim9 type checking is stricter to avoid mistakes.  Where a condition is
used, e.g. with the :if command and the || operator, only boolean-like
values are accepted:
        true:  truev:true10 < 9
        false: falsev:false00 > 9
Note that the number zero is false and the number one is true.  This is more
permissive than most other languages.  It was done because many builtin
functions return these values.

If you have any type of value and want to use it as a boolean, use the !!
        true: !!'text'!![99]!!{'x': 1}!!99
        false: !!''!![]!!{}

From a language like JavaScript we have this handy construct:
        GetName() || 'unknown'
However, this conflicts with only allowing a boolean for a condition.
Therefore the "??" operator was added:
        GetName() ?? 'unknown'
Here you can explicitly express your intention to use the value as-is and not
result in a boolean. This is called the falsy-operator.

Import and Export

A problem of legacy Vim script is that by default all functions and variables
are global.  It is possible to make them script-local, but then they are not
available in other scripts.  This defies the concept of a package that only
exports selected items and keeps the rest local.

In Vim9 script a mechanism very similar to the JavaScript import and export
mechanism is supported.  It is a variant to the existing :source command
that works like one would expect:
- Instead of making everything global by default, everything is script-local,
  unless exported.
- When importing a script the symbols that are imported are explicitly listed,
  avoiding name conflicts and failures if functionality is added later.
- The mechanism allows for writing a big, long script with a very clear API:
  the exported function(s) and class(es).
- By using relative paths loading can be much faster for an import inside of a
  package, no need to search many directories.
- Once an import has been used, it can be cached and loading it again can be
- The Vim-specific use of "s:" to make things script-local can be dropped.

When sourcing a Vim9 script from a legacy script, only the items defined
globally can be used, not the exported items.  Alternatives considered:
- All the exported items become available as script-local items.  This makes
  it uncontrollable what items get defined and likely soon leads to trouble.
- Use the exported items and make them global.  Disadvantage is that it's then
  not possible to avoid name clashes in the global namespace.
- Completely disallow sourcing a Vim9 script, require using :import.  That
  makes it difficult to use scripts for testing, or sourcing them from the
  command line to try them out.
Note that you can also use :import in legacy Vim script, see above.

Compiling functions early

Functions are compiled when called or when :defcompile is used.  Why not
compile them early, so that syntax and type errors are reported early?

The functions can't be compiled right away when encountered, because there may
be forward references to functions defined later.  Consider defining functions
A, B and C, where A calls B, B calls C, and C calls A again.  It's impossible
to reorder the functions to avoid forward references.

An alternative would be to first scan through the file to locate items and
figure out their type, so that forward references are found, and only then
execute the script and compile the functions.  This means the script has to be
parsed twice, which is slower, and some conditions at the script level, such
as checking if a feature is supported, are hard to use.  An attempt was made
to see if it works, but it turned out to be impossible to make work nicely.

It would be possible to compile all the functions at the end of the script.
The drawback is that if a function never gets called, the overhead of
compiling it counts anyway.  Since startup speed is very important, in most
cases it's better to do it later and accept that syntax and type errors are
only reported then.  In case these errors should be found early, e.g. when
testing, the :defcompile command will help out.

Why not use an embedded language?

Vim supports interfaces to Perl, Python, Lua, Tcl and a few others.  But
these interfaces have never become widely used, for various reasons.  When
Vim9 was designed a decision was made to make these interfaces lower priority
and concentrate on Vim script.

Still, plugin writers may find other languages more familiar, want to use
existing libraries or see a performance benefit.  We encourage plugin authors
to write code in any language and run it as an external tool, using jobs and
channels.  We can try to make this easier somehow.

Using an external tool also has disadvantages.  An alternative is to convert
the tool into Vim script.  For that to be possible without too much
translation, and keeping the code fast at the same time, the constructs of the
tool need to be supported.  Since most languages support classes the lack of
support for classes in Vim is then a problem.


Vim supports a kind-of object oriented programming by adding methods to a
dictionary.  With some care this can be made to work, but it does not look
like real classes.  On top of that, it's quite slow, because of the use of

The support of classes in Vim9 script is a "minimal common functionality" of
class support in most languages.  It works much like Java, which is the most
popular programming language.

関連キーワード:  Vim, type, var, 関数, function, コマンド, 定義, not, list, string