
phrase: max: clip:
target: order:
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Tests - Rust By Example 日本語版 9414
Introduction 1. Hello World ❱ 1.1. コメント 1.2. フォーマットしてプリント ❱ 1.2.1. デバッグ 1.2. ... #[test] fn test_file() { // Opens the file ferris.txt or creates one if it doesn't exist. let mut file = ... ::new() .append(true) .create(true) .open("ferris.txt") .expect("Failed to open ferris.txt"); // Print " ... n".as_bytes()) .expect("Could not write to ferris.txt"); } } // This test tries to write to the same fil ... t] fn test_file_also() { // Opens the file ferris.txt or creates one if it doesn't exist. let mut file = ...
https://man.plustar.jp/rust/example/cargo/test.html - [similar]