


この戒めを頭に叩き込んだ上で、さあはじめましょう! Rustにおいて、アンセーフなブロックはコンパイラのチェックをスルーするために使われます。具体的には以下の4つの主要なユースケースがあります。

  • 生ポインタのデリファレンス
  • calling functions or methods which are unsafe (including calling a function over FFI, see a previous chapter of the book)
  • accessing or modifying static mutable variables
  • implementing unsafe traits



fn main() {
    let raw_p: *const u32 = &10;

    unsafe {
        assert!(*raw_p == 10);

Calling Unsafe Functions

Some functions can be declared as unsafe, meaning it is the programmer's responsibility to ensure correctness instead of the compiler's. One example of this is std::slice::from_raw_parts which will create a slice given a pointer to the first element and a length.

use std::slice;

fn main() {
    let some_vector = vec![1, 2, 3, 4];

    let pointer = some_vector.as_ptr();
    let length = some_vector.len();

    unsafe {
        let my_slice: &[u32] = slice::from_raw_parts(pointer, length);

        assert_eq!(some_vector.as_slice(), my_slice);

For slice::from_raw_parts, one of the assumptions which must be upheld is that the pointer passed in points to valid memory and that the memory pointed to is of the correct type. If these invariants aren't upheld then the program's behaviour is undefined and there is no knowing what will happen.

関連キーワード:  操作, slice, 関数, let, Result, By, Rust, Example, unsafe, ポインタ