

// A reference with 'static lifetime:
let s: &'static str = "hello world";

// 'static as part of a trait bound:
fn generic<T>(x: T) where T: 'static {}

Both are related but subtly different and this is a common source for confusion when learning Rust. Here are some examples for each situation:

Reference lifetime

As a reference lifetime 'static indicates that the data pointed to by the reference lives for the entire lifetime of the running program. It can still be coerced to a shorter lifetime.

There are two ways to make a variable with 'static lifetime, and both are stored in the read-only memory of the binary:

  • static宣言とともに定数を作成する。
  • 文字列リテラル で&'static str型を持つ変数を作成する。


// Make a constant with `'static` lifetime.
// `'static`ライフタイムを持つ定数を作成
static NUM: i32 = 18;

// Returns a reference to `NUM` where its `'static`
// lifetime is coerced to that of the input argument.
// `NUM`への参照を返す。ライフタイムは`'static`から引数の
// ライフタイムへと圧縮されている。
fn coerce_static<'a>(_: &'a i32) -> &'a i32 {

fn main() {
        // Make a `string` literal and print it:
        // 文字列リテラルを用いて変数を作成し、プリントする
        let static_string = "I'm in read-only memory";
        println!("static_string: {}", static_string);

        // When `static_string` goes out of scope, the reference
        // can no longer be used, but the data remains in the binary.
        // `static_string`がスコープから抜けると、参照は使用することが
        // できなくなるが、データはバイナリ中に残る。

        // Make an integer to use for `coerce_static`:
        // `coerce_static`関数を呼び出すために、整数を作成
        let lifetime_num = 9;

        // Coerce `NUM` to lifetime of `lifetime_num`:
        // `NUM`を`lifetime_num`のライフタイムへと圧縮
        let coerced_static = coerce_static(&lifetime_num);

        println!("coerced_static: {}", coerced_static);

    println!("NUM: {} stays accessible!", NUM);

Trait bound

As a trait bound, it means the type does not contain any non-static references. Eg. the receiver can hold on to the type for as long as they want and it will never become invalid until they drop it.

It's important to understand this means that any owned data always passes a 'static lifetime bound, but a reference to that owned data generally does not:

use std::fmt::Debug;

fn print_it( input: impl Debug + 'static ) {
    println!( "'static value passed in is: {:?}", input );

fn main() {
    // i is owned and contains no references, thus it's 'static:
    let i = 5;

    // oops, &i only has the lifetime defined by the scope of
    // main(), so it's not 'static:

The compiler will tell you:

error[E0597]: `i` does not live long enough
  --> src/lib.rs:15:15
15 |     print_it(&i);
   |     ---------^^--
   |     |         |
   |     |         borrowed value does not live long enough
   |     argument requires that `i` is borrowed for `'static`
16 | }
   | - `i` dropped here while still borrowed


'static 定数

関連キーワード:  static, ライフタイム, 関数, NUM, スタティック, let, reference, string, Result, By